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Réunion Pelagos - ©Government Communication Department/Manuel Vitali

Meeting of the Pelagos Agreement

29 March 2019 Monaco Worldwide News flash

On Friday 29 March 2019, the Technical Advisory Commission for the evaluation of the activities of the Pelagos Agreement as a Specially Protected Area of Mediterranean Importance (SPAMI) of the Barcelona Convention was held at the headquarters of the Pelagos Agreement in Monaco as part of Monaco Ocean Week.The resul...

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Remis du Prix Prince Albert II et Institut Pasteur - At the right of  H.S.H. the Sovereign Prince : Professor Joacim Rocklöv and Professeur Stewart Cole, Director General of the Pasteur Institute © Direction de la Communication/Michael Alesi

Prince Albert II of Monaco – Institut Pasteur Award

29 March 2019 Monaco Worldwide Press release

As part of Monaco Ocean Week, H.S.H. the Sovereign Prince presented the Prince Albert II of Monaco – Institut Pasteur Award to Professor Joacim Rocklöv on Thursday 28 March. The award recognises a researcher who has made a particular contribution to the study of the impact of environmental changes on human health.It...

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UN – Monaco maintains commitment to conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity beyond national jurisdictions

29 March 2019 Monaco Worldwide Press release

H.E. Ms Isabelle Picco, Monaco’s Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the United Nations, accompanied by a delegation,* is currently taking part in the second meeting of the Intergovernmental Conference on Marine Biodiversity of Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction (BBNJ), which is being held in New York until 5...

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CIPEGS - From left to right:  Mathias Raymond, Delegate, Administrator of the National Olympic Committee;  Agatha Korczak, Second Secretary, Permanent Delegation of Monaco to UNESCO;  Johannes De Millo Terrazzani, Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Monaco to the United Nations Office;  David Chikvaidze, Chef de Cabinet of the Director-General at the United Nations Office at Geneva;  H.E. Ms. Carole Lanteri, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Monaco to the United Nations Office at Geneva;  Serguei Shaposhnikov, Chief of Protocol at the United Nations Office at Geneva ©DR 

UNESCO - Monaco Takes Part in the Extraordinary Session of the Intergovernmental Committee for Physical Education and Sport

29 March 2019 Monaco Worldwide News flash

A Monegasque delegation took part in the extraordinary session of the UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee for Physical Education and Sport (CIGEPS), which met for the first time on 28 and 29 March 2019, in Geneva.In her opening speech at the meeting, H.E. Ms. Lanteri, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Monaco an...

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Prévention noyade - ©DR

Monaco Brings Together the Group of Friends on Drowning Prevention in New York

28 March 2019 Monaco Worldwide News flash

On Wednesday 27 March, the Permanent Mission of Monaco in New York was host to the Group of Friends on Drowning Prevention, at its premises. Various dignitaries took part in the discussions, including Ms.Gemma May, head of the British NGO the Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI), Drs.Werner Obermeyer of the WH...

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