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Partenariat LTHM - ©Direction de la Communication / Stéphane Danna

Mali-Monaco Hotel Sector Partnership

20 September 2019 Youth News flash

From 9 to 17 September, the Director of the Chiaka Sidibé Hotel School in Bamako, MrKhoudja, and a teacher, Ms Sow, received immersion training at Monaco's Vocational and Catering School (Lycée Technique et Hôtelier de Monaco).Their training was provided in connection with a Memorandum of Understanding signed last M...

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Voir la photo - Photo Caption:  H.S.H. the Sovereign Prince with Serge Telle, Minister of State, on the left, andH.E. Mr. Laurent Stefanini, the new Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the French Republic to Monaco.  ©Government Communication Department/Stéphane Danna.

Accreditation of the Ambassador of France to Monaco

19 September 2019 Monaco Worldwide News flash

On Thursday 19 September 2019, H.E. Mr. Laurent Stefanini, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the French Republic to Monaco, who presented his Letters of Credence to H.S.H. Prince Albert II in the morning, was received by the Minister of State, Serge Telle, at his residence, for a lunch presided over by...

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Formation sapeurs-pompiers maliens - © Direction de la Communication / Stéphane Danna

Civil Protection: Two Malian Fire and Emergency Services in Training in the Principality

13 September 2019 Monaco Worldwide News flash

From 9 to 13 September, Staff Sergeants Gourdo Maïga and Massa Traoré from the Malian Fire and Emergency Service were present in the Principality to perfect their water rescue training and techniques with their Monegasque counterparts. This training ended on Friday 13 September with an exercise involving a jump into...

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Monaco Namibie - H. E. Mr. Neville Gertze, Permanent Representative of Namibia to the United Nations and H. E. Ms. Isabelle Picco, Permanent Representative of Monaco to the United Nations ©DR

Opening of Diplomatic Relations between the Principality of Monaco and Namibia

13 September 2019 Monaco Worldwide News flash

On Thursday 12 September 2019, Namibia became the 146th State with which the Principality of Monaco has established diplomatic relations, following the signing of joint communiqués by the Permanent Representatives to the United Nations, H.E.Mr.Neville Gertze and H. E. Ms. Isabelle Picco.This southern African country...

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Unité de cathétérisme au Mali - Operation at catheterisation unit funded by Monaco © DR

Mali: first operations at catheterisation unit funded by Monaco

11 September 2019 Monaco Worldwide News flash

The Principality of Monaco, in cooperation with Monegasque charity SHARE, Fondation pour l’Enfance and other charities and individuals, has funded the construction of an interventional cardiology unit at Le Luxembourg Mother and Child Hospital in Bamako. The unit will provide catheter-based treatment to dilate or cl...

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