Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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G Rose Astana 2017 - DR - Guillaume Rose during this meeting _ DR

Tourist and Convention Authority represents Monaco at sustainable tourism conference during Astana 2017

07 July 2017 Press release

In conjunction with the Astana 2017 specialised exposition, the World Tourism Organization, a UN agency of which Monaco is a member, held a conference on the theme “Tourism and Future Energy: Unlocking Low-Carbon Growth Opportunities”.Guillaume Rose, Director of the Tourist and Convention Authority, had the privileg...

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Ambassade Belgique - ©Bénédicte Maindiaux

Reception in Brussels in honour of the anniversary of the accession of His Serene Highness the Sovereign Prince

06 July 2017 Monaco Worldwide News flash

On 29 June, H.E. Mrs Sophie Thevenoux, Ambassador of the Principality of Monaco to the Kingdom of Belgium and Head of Monaco’s Mission to the European Union, and Mr Marc Thevenoux celebrated the anniversary of the accession of His Serene Highness the Sovereign Prince by hosting a grand reception in the gardens of th...

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F(ê) de la danse spectacle - Création des Ballets de Monte Carlo pour F(ê)aites de la danse©Direction de la Communication/Charly Gallo

F(ê)aites de la Danse 2017: a hit with the public!

05 July 2017 Culture News flash

The first F(ê)aites de la Danse festival, organised by the Ballets de Monte-Carlo, the Prince’s Government and Monte-Carlo Société des Bains de Mer, and held in Place du Casino on 1 July 2017, was a huge success.Nearly 10,000 people were there at the peak of the event around midnight, enjoying a festive atmosphere i...

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Boulevard du Larvotto  - Vue du pont avant sa mise en service

7 juillet 2017 : remise en double sens de l’avenue Princesse Grace

05 July 2017 Quality of Life Press release

A compter du vendredi 7 juillet 2017, l’avenue Princesse Grace, au droit de l’opération Testimonio II, sera remise en double sens de circulation.Parallèlement, la réalisation d’un pont provisoire permettra de maintenir les deux voies de circulation sur le boulevard du Larvotto Ouest.Pour mémoire, à l'horizon 2021, l...

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commerces dimanche

Summer 2017: Government supports Sunday trading for retailers

05 July 2017 Press release

The Sunday opening system for shops, launched by the Government in 2006, will be repeated again this year.This initiative aims to make the country more attractive in the eyes of a range of summer visitors, by offering a combination of shopping, wellbeing, fine dining and culture.This year, Sunday opening will be in...

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