Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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Réouverture Louis XV-Alain Ducasse présentée à NY - From left to right:  Camille Cussac, PR & Communications Manager, Corinne Kiabski, Deputy Press & Public Relations Officer (Tourist and Convention Authority), Dominique Lory, Head Chef at the Louis XV-Alain Ducasse, Cindy Hoddeson, Director, Meeting & Incentive Sales (Monaco Government Tourist Office) and Elisa Fershtadt, PR Consultant (Monaco Government Tourist Office). ©DR

Reopening of the Louis XV-Alain Ducasse – Presentation in New York

02 March 2016 The Economy News flash

Monaco Tourist and Convention Authority took advantage of its visit to New York to organise a private dinner in association with its New York office to announce the reopening of the legendary restaurant "The Louis-XV-Alain Ducasse at the Hôtel de Paris" for the Formula 1 Grand Prix.The dinner, which was pr...

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Monaco takes New York - ©DR

Monaco Takes New York

01 March 2016 The Economy News flash

To mark the visit to New York of the Ballets de Monte-Carlo, Monaco’s Consulate General and the New York Office of the Monaco Tourist and Convention Authority, in collaboration with the Embassy of Monaco to the United States, organised a series of events to highlight Monegasque culture and gastronomy, titled “Monaco...

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Signature accord Taxud - M. Pierre Moscovici, Commissaire européen aux Affaires économiques et financières, à la Fiscalité et à l’Union douanière pour l’Union Européenne et Jean Castellini, Conseiller de Gouvernement pour les Finances et l'Economie ©Centre de Presse Manuel Vitali

Pierre Moscovici pays working visit to Monaco

22 February 2016 The Economy News flash

The European Commissioner for Economic and Financial Affairs, Taxation and Customs, Mr Pierre Moscovici, accompanied by a delegation*, paid a working visit to the Principality on 22nd february.He was welcomed by H.E. the Minister of State along with Mr Georges Lisimachio, Head of the H.S.H. the Prince’s Cabinet, Mr...

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Signature Taxud

Fighting tax evasion and fraud Agreement signed between Principality of Monaco and European Union

22 February 2016 The Economy Press release

In the Presence of H.E. Mr. Serge Telle, Minister of State, M. Jean Castellini, Minister of Finance and Economy, on behalf of the Principality of Monaco, and Mr Pierre Moscovici, European Commissioner for Economic and Financial Affairs, Taxation and Customs have today signed, in Monaco, a Protocol amending the “Agr...

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Monaco Private Label à Mexico - In the foreground, Aldolfo Autrey, Honorary Consul of Monaco to Mexico City, in the background, Michel Bouquier, Technical Advisor to the Ministry of Finance and Economy. ©DR

Monaco Private Label evening reception in Mexico

17 February 2016 The Economy News flash

Aldolfo Autrey, Monaco’s Honorary Consul to Mexico, welcomed around 70 Monaco Private Label (MPL) card holders to his residence in Mexico on 9 February.At the reception, Michel Bouquier, Technical Advisor to the Ministry of Finance and Economy, talked about the Principality’s appeal and the numerous exclusive advant...

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