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Plenary Meeting of the Strategic Council for Attractiveness

21 October 2016 The Economy News flash

This morning, the Strategic Council for Attractiveness (CSA) held its annual plenary meeting at the Oceanographic Museum.At this meeting, H.E. the Minister of State, Serge Telle, presented the 2015-2016 activity report in a new bilingual format, in the presence of Government Ministers and members of the CSA.The Pres...

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DTC CAnada - <span>Guy Antognelli at the pulpit during a presentation in front of the Canadian tourism professionals © - Tourism and Convention Authority</span>

Monaco Tourist and Convention Authority's Promotional Tour in Canada

19 October 2016 Monaco dans le Monde News flash

From 3 to 7 October, Monaco Tourist and Convention Authority (DTC) and its representative office in the United States and Canada undertook a promotional tour in Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver. The North American branch of "Atout France," the tourism promotion body in France, was also present to help promo...

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DTC tournée Inde - La délégation monégasque lors de sa tournée en Inde

La Direction du Tourisme en tournée en Inde avec les partenaires hôteliers de la Principauté

07 October 2016 Monaco dans le Monde Press release

Du 26 au 29 septembre, la Direction du Tourisme s’est rendue en délégation avec Monte-Carlo SBM, Fairmont Monte-Carlo et Le Méridien Beach Plaza dans les villes de Mumbaï et Delhi.C’est tout d’abord auprès des professionnels du Tourisme de Mumbaï que la délégation, emmenée par Guillaume Rose, a démarré sa tournée. P...

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DTC Océanie - The Monegasque delegation in Melbourne with H.E. Ms. Catherine Fautrier, Ambassador of Monaco to Australia, Andrew Cannon, Honorary Consul of Monaco in Melbourne and Hadrien Bourely, Honorary Consul of Monaco in Sydney ©DTC

Monaco Is Showcased in Oceania

16 September 2016 The Economy Press release

As part of its mission to promote "Destination Monaco" abroad, Monaco Tourist and Convention Authority undertook a presentation tour in Australia, New Zealand and Tasmania from 5 to 10 September 2016, in association with its Australian representative office.The Monegasque delegation, led by Guillaume Rose,...

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Visionary Awards

New York: Once Again, Monaco Government Tourist Office is Recognised for the Quality of its Services

12 August 2016 The Economy Press release

New York, 12 August 2016 – Monaco Government Tourist Office (MGTO), the branch office of Monaco Tourism and Convention Authority in New York, was awarded a new distinction this month. For the first time, the readers of "PREVUE" magazine and members of its Consultative Council chose to award it the prestigi...

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