All the news about "Culture"
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Authors shortlisted for Prince Pierre of Monaco Foundation Literary Prize and Discovery Grant
The Literary Council of the Prince Pierre of Monaco Foundation, chaired by H.R.H the Princess of Hanover, met at the Ritz Hotel in Paris on Wednesday 11 May to draw up the list of authors in contention for the Literary Prize and Discovery Grant.
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3rd Meeting of the Historical Sites of the Grimaldis of Monaco - 4 and 5 June 2022 (from 10 a.m.)
After a two-year hiatus due to the health crisis, the Third Meeting of the Historical Sites of the Grimaldis of Monaco will be held on 4 and 5 June 2022 on the Place du Palais Prinicer.Following diplomatic agreements and marriage alliances, the Princes of Monaco acquired titles including the Duke of Valentinois, Mar...
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Philosophical Encounters of Monaco present PhiloMonaco - Week 7 to 12 June 2022
From Tuesday 7 to Sunday 12 June 2022, the Philosophical Encounters of Monaco will be holding PhiloMonaco Week, featuring numerous speakers including philosophers, researchers, journalists, psychiatrists and psychologists, writers, teachers, healthcare workers, and more, who will debate and discuss with audiences th...
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Nouveau Musée National de Monaco - The 2022 Apprentice Collectors
The "Apprentice Collectors," initiated in 2017 by the Nouveau Musée National de Monaco (NMNM), is an educational programme supported by SOGEDA (Society for the Management of Authors' Rights) which aims to familiarise teenagers with contemporary art, as well with as the main role of a museum – collecting.Fo...
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Finalists of the 2022 “High School Students' Favourite Choice” prize
The jury, comprised of Year 11 (Seconde) students from the Lycée Albert Ier, Monaco's Vocational and Catering School (Lycée Technique et Hôtelier) and the Lycée FANB, has made its selection of books for the 2022 "High School Students' Favourite Choice".
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