All the news about "Culture"
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Department of Cultural Affairs organising an open mic event for young people in the Principality at Fort Antoine on 18 July 2023 - Call for participants open!
At the initiative of the Department of Cultural Affairs, an open mic event will be organised for and by young people. It will take place on Tuesday 18 July 2023 at Fort Antoine, and the aim is to showcase the Principality’s young talent and strengthen the links between culture and young people. For young people, b...
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Palmarès du 45ème Festival International du Cirque de Monte-Carlo et du 10ème Festival New Generation
Palmarès du Jubilédu 45ème Festival International du Cirque de Monte-Carloet du 10ème Festival New GenerationDu 20 au 29 janvier 2023Prix attribués par le Jury présidé par S.A.S. la Princesse StéphanieCLOWN D'ORRené Casselly Junior avec Merrylu Casselly et Quincy AzzarioJUNIOR D'ORAmeli BilykCLOWN D'ARGENTFlying Mar...
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100 years of lectures in Monaco: a special season to celebrate this anniversary
This one hundredth season marks a century of cultural outreach in the Principality, initiated by Prince Pierre, who wanted to give his compatriots access to the best minds of his era. This anniversary edition shines a spotlight on the iconic personalities of the Prince Pierre of Monaco Foundation with several events...
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Installation of Gonfalon des Pénitents Blancs in Chapel of Mercy
An iconic work representing the Principality’s historic and religious heritage, the Gonfalon des Pénitents Blancs (Gonfalon of the White Penitents) was recently permanently installed in the Chapel of Mercy. The state of preservation of this processional banner was such that a complete restoration was required, and w...
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NMNM presents Ali Kazma as part of WINTER VIDEO DAYS programme – From 16 December 2022 to 15 January 2023 – Villa Sauber – 17 Avenue Princesse Grace
Video art and digital art have recently become part of the contemporary art scene, introducing some particularly innovative trends. The Nouveau Musée National de Monaco (NMNM) has therefore decided to devote a new programme, Winter Video Days, to these forms of art, with the first edition devoted to Turkish video ar...
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