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Affiche Garden Club 2021

52nd International Bouquet Competition - 16 and 17 October 2021 – Casino de Monte-Carlo Terraces

11 October 2021 Culture Press release

The Garden Club of Monaco, chaired by H.R.H. the Princess of Hanover, is holding the 52nd International Bouquet Competition on 16 and 17 October 2021 on the Casino de Monte-Carlo Terraces.More than a hundred competitors are expected to take part, and will compete to show the most imagination in designing floral comp...

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Dévoilement buste Impératrice Eugénie - S.A.S. le Prince Albert II de Monaco, S.A.I. le Prince Jean-Christophe Napoléon et son épouse Olympia, posant devant le buste de l'Impératrice Eugénie ©Direction de la Communication / Michael Alesi

Dévoilement du buste de l’Impératrice Eugénie dans les jardins du Rocher

09 October 2021 Culture News flash

Ce samedi 9 octobre, un buste représentant l’Impératrice Eugénie a été dévoilé par S.A.S. le Prince Souverain, en présence de S.A.I. le Prince Jean-Christophe Napoléon, actuel chef de la maison Bonaparte.Ce dévoilement s’inscrit dans le cadre d’un double anniversaire : le centenaire de la disparition de l’épouse de...

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Livre en langue française dans le monde

Monaco takes part in General Assembly on French-language Books around the World

04 October 2021 Culture Press release

On 23 and 24 September, the Department of Cultural Affairs took part in the États généraux du livre en langue française dans le monde (General Assembly on French-language Books around the World). The event was held in a hybrid format, both in person in Tunis and virtually.Launched in March 2018 by President of the F...

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Logo Rencontres Philosophiques de Monaco

Presentation of Philosophical Encounters of Monaco 2021/2022 season

30 September 2021 Culture Press release

The programme for the Philosophical Encounters of Monaco 2021/2022 season will feature five dates, opening on 13 and 14 October with “Health Days”, focusing on the themes of “Fatigue and breakdown”, “Care and feminism” and “Art and madness”.The highlight of these days will be a conversation between historian and phi...

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Impératrice Eugénie - Affiche

Lectures - Empress Eugénie Friend and neighbour of the Principality of Monaco - Saturday 9 October, 3 p.m. - Salle Garnier, Monaco

29 September 2021 Culture Press release

On Saturday 9 October, the centenary of the death of Empress Eugénie, the wife of Napoleon III, who was a friend and neighbour of the Principality of Monaco, will be commemorated.To mark the occasion, there will be a series of lectures open to all,* providing an opportunity to learn a little more about the fate of E...

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