Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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Ukraine - Ukraine

Monaco’s cultural institutions come together to support Ukraine

25 March 2022 Culture Press release

With more and more people and organisations speaking out in support of Ukraine, the Principality’s cultural institutions are joining forces and taking a range of actions to help Ukraine’s artists.All proceeds from the following performances will therefore be donated to the Monaco Red Cross: Monte-Carlo Opera – 25 Ma...

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St Patrick 2022 - S.A.S. le Prince Albert II de Monaco, entouré du Prince héréditaire Jacques, de la Princesse Gabriella, de Paula Farquharson Directrice de la PGIL, de Peter Murphy, Trustee de la PGIL et des élèves de l’Académie de Musique et de Théâtre Fondation Prince Rainier III de Monaco ©Palais princier / Eric Mathon

Saint Patrick’s Day in Monaco at the Princess Grace Irish Library (PGIL)

22 March 2022 Culture Press release

Celebrating Saint Patrick’s Day yesterday (a day early), the Princess Grace Irish Library in Monaco hosted an afternoon of music and singing in the presence of H.S.H. Prince Albert II and His Children Hereditary Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella.Pupils from the Académie de Musique ‘Fondation Prince Rainier III d...

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Rencontre autour d'un projet d'artistes aux Ateliers du Quai Antoine-Ier. ©Direction de la Communication-Michael Alesi - From left to right: Jean-Luc Biamonti, Françoise Gamerdinger, Céline Pagès and Eva Dmitrenko. © Government Communication Department / Michael Alesi

Presentation of artistic project at Quai Albert I Studios

03 March 2022 Culture News flash

At the initiative of the Department of Cultural Affairs, Eva Dmitrenko and Céline Pagès presented their artistic projects to the press at their studio on Quai Antoine I. The presentation was attended by Françoise Gamerdinger, Director of Cultural Affairs, and Jean-Luc Biamonti, CEO of Monte-Carlo Société des Bains d...

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Logos Rencontres Philo et NMNM

Philosophical Encounters of Monaco and NMNM - Round table - “Trans-Mediterranean avant-gardes and citizens of the world” - Thursday 10 March, 6.30 p.m. – NMNM Villa Sauber

01 March 2022 Culture Press release

To coincide with the exhibition “Monaco–Alexandria: The Great Detour. World Capitals and Cosmopolitan Surrealism”, the Nouveau Musée National de Monaco and the Philosophical Encounters of Monaco are joining forces to host a round table covering both historical and philosophical issues. The discussion will focus on i...

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Daniel Pennac. ©Francesca Mantovani - Editions Gallimard - Daniel Pennac. ©Francesca Mantovani - Editions Gallimard

Prince Pierre of Monaco Foundation - Lecture Daniel Pennac - "Dreaming in literature"

22 February 2022 Culture Press release

The Prince Pierre of Monaco Foundation is hosting an event at the Variety Theatre with Daniel Pennac, one of the major contemporary creative figures of our time, at 6.30 pm on Monday 28 February.

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