Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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Journée Internationale du Sport Consulat NY - 
Left to right: Mr Joël Bouzou, President and Founder of Peace and Sport;   H.E. Mrs Maguy Maccario Doyle, Ambassador of Monaco to the United States, H.E. Mr Kairat Umarov, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the United Nations, and H.E. Mrs Isabelle Picco, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of the Principality of Monaco to the United Nations. ©DR 

Monaco celebrates the 4th International Day of Sport for Development and Peace in New York

30 March 2017 Monaco Worldwide News flash

On 28 March 2017, the Permanent Mission of Monaco to the United Nations, in New York, celebrated the 4th International Day of Sport for Development and Peace, in collaboration with Peace and Sport. To mark the occasion, a number of Olympic tennis and taekwondo champions performed sports demonstrations at the Headqua...

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DR - giratoire av papalins av Albert II - Le giratoire des av. Albert II - av des Papalins

Work starts on water networks on Avenue Albert II in Fontvieille

30 March 2017 News flash

Work is set to begin on resizing the wastewater and rainwater pipe networks in the Fontvieille district, starting at the Papalins roundabout before advancing up Avenue Albert II, then Avenue de Fontvieille.“The resizing of the wastewater networks has now become a necessity in this district, given the Pasteur project...

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Les lauréats de l’appel à projets BeMed et S.A.S. le Prince Albert II de Monaco - Copyright - Michael Alesi

Appel à projets BeMed : les lauréats

30 March 2017 The Environment Press release

La pollution plastique au sein des océans est l’une des catastrophes écologiques les plus inquiétantes pour notre futur. Une fois rejeté dans le milieu naturel, le plastique peut mettre jusqu’à 500 ans pour disparaître.

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EUIPO - © Manuel Vitali - Direction de la Communication  - Les membres du Gouvernement ainsi que ceux de l'EUIPO lors de la réunion - © Manuel Vitali - Direction de la Communication

Official visit by Executive Director of European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO)

30 March 2017 News flash

Antonio Campinos, the Executive Director of the EUIPO, and his Director of International Cooperation and Legal Affairs João Negrao were in Monaco yesterday to meet Jean Castellini, Minister of Finance and Economy, and Serge Pierryves, Director of the Business Development Agency.The aim of the meeting was to consider...

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Francophonie 2017 - The President of the Francophone Group of UNESCO, the Ambassador of Switzerland, Mr. Jean-Frédéric Jauslin, visiting Monaco's stand with H.E. Ms. Yvette Lambin Berti, Ambassador, Permanent Delegate of Monaco to UNESCO ©DR

Celebrating International Francophonie Day at UNESCO

30 March 2017 Monaco Worldwide News flash

International Francophonie Day is celebrated throughout the world every year on 20 March in French-speaking countries.On 27 March 2017, the Group of Francophone countries at UNESCO held an evening event on the theme of "La Francophonie in Freedom" ("Francophonie en Liberté") at the Organisation's...

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Welcome Office-JCE - Laurence Garino, Head of the Welcome Office (left), and Olena Prykhodko, Vice President for Training 2017 at Junior Chamber International Monaco (right). © Welcome Office

Welcome Office involvement in launch of Junior Chamber International Monaco training cycle

29 March 2017 The Economy News flash

The Welcome Office, a key interlocutor for start-up entrepreneurs and future residents of the Principality, supports the initiatives of the Junior Chamber International Monaco (JCI Monaco) every year. Through a variety of activities, JCI Monaco works to promote entrepreneurship and the economic attractiveness of the...

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Promo Isabelle Bonnal IFSI - Copyright - Direction de la Communication / Manuel Vitali

Isabelle Bonnal, marraine des étudiants de l’Institut de Formation en Soins Infirmiers promotion 2016-2019

29 March 2017 Social Affairs and Health News flash

Les étudiants de l’Institut de Formation en Soins Infirmiers (IFSI) de Monaco ont choisi, comme il est d’usage, une marraine pour la promotion 2016-2019.Leur choix s’est porté sur Isabelle Bonnal, Directeur de l’Education Nationale de la Jeunesse et des Sports. Durant une cérémonie organisée ce jour dans les locaux...

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Réunion SCAR - H.S.H. Prince Albert II with experts from Monaco's Antarctic Biodiversity Assessment Workshop at the close of the meeting of the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research's (SCAR's) Expert Meeting entitled "Antarctica and the Strategic Plan for Biological Diversity 2011-2020: Monaco's Declaration" 10 June 2015 © Eric Mathon/Prince's Palace 

Antarctica and the Strategic Plan for Biological Diversity 2011-2020: Monaco's Assessment - Gloomy Prospects for Biodiversity in Antarctica

29 March 2017 Monaco Worldwide Press release

An international study, led by scientists from the University of Monash in Melbourne, Australia, undertaken in close collaboration with the Prince's Government, Monaco Scientific Centre Monaco (SCM) and the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR), questions the general view that the Antarctic and the South...

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Pelagos - ©DR

April 3rd 2017 : Joint Pelagos/ACCOBAMS Workshop for the Public on Cetacean Strandings

28 March 2017 The Environment News flash

As part of Monaco Ocean Week, to be held in Monaco from 30 March to 4 April 2017, the Permanent Secretariats of the Pelagos and ACCOBAMS Agreements are jointly organising an awareness-raising workshop for the general public on cetacean strandings. This public workshop will take place on Monday 3 April from 3 p.m. to...

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eutelsat - Christian Roisse, outgoing Executive Secretary of Eutelsat-IGO (France), Rodolphe Belmer, Director General of Eutelsat S.A., Mr. Piotr Dmochowski-Lipski, Elected Executive Secretary of Eutelsat-IGO (Poland), Frédéric Labarrère, President of the Assembly of Parties of Eutelsat-IGO (Monaco) and Ivana Stankovic, Vice-President (Serbia). 

Monaco is Elected to the Presidency of the Eutelsat-IGO Assembly of Parties

28 March 2017 Monaco Worldwide Press release

The 40th meeting of the Assembly of Parties of the European Telecommunications Satellite Organization - EUTELSAT – was held in Paris on 15 and 16 March 2017.At this meeting, Mr. Frédéric Labarrère, Minister at the Embassy of the Principality of Monaco in France, Vice-Chairman-in-Office, was elected by acclamation as...

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