Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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A la Une du Portail

HD - Data+,2 - Copyright - Direction de la Communication / Manuel Vitali

Launch of the Data+ Project

05 May 2017 The Environment Press release

This Friday, a joint press conference was held by the Prince's Government/SMEG on the imminent launch of the Data + survey.

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Faucon pèlerin 2 - Copyright - DR

Naissance de deux faucons pèlerins dans les falaises du Rocher

05 May 2017 The Environment News flash

A few weeks after the birth of six Mediterranean crested cormorants (Phalacrocorax aristoletis desmarestii), the Department of the Environment has identified and photographed two young peregrine falcons (Falco peregrinus), which were born in a hollow in the cliffs of the Rock. Once again, the reproduction of the per...

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Corée Monaco - S.E. M. Chul-min Mo et S.E. M. Claude Cottalorda

Celebrating the 10th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations between the Principality of Monaco and the Republic of Korea

05 May 2017 Monaco Worldwide News flash

The 10th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the Principality of Monaco and the Republic of Korea was celebrated in Monaco on 4 May 2017.A hight level concert of traditional Korean music was performed to a large audience in the Rainier III Auditorium by the National Orchestra of Korea, which is entirely comp...

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Pass’Sport Culture 2017

04 May 2017 Youth Press release

The Academic Counselling and Education Resource Centre is busy preparing the summer programme for young people in Monaco, with a choice of activities that's as wide as ever.

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CES 2017 - 10th Young People’s Economic and Social Council © Charly Gallo/Government Communication Department

10th Young People’s Economic and Social Council

04 May 2017 Press release

The 10th Young People’s Economic and Social Council was held yesterday at the premises of this institution.

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La Roca Team décroche le bronze en Champions League 3 - ©Charly Gallo - Direction de la Communication

La Roca Team décroche le bronze en Basketball Champions League

03 May 2017 Sport News flash

Après leur défaite en demi-finale contre l'équipe de Banvit, la Roca Team rencontrait dimanche les basketteurs de Venise pour une place sur le podium de la Basketball Champions League.

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AG ACHM - H.E. Mr Serge Telle, Minister of State, and Mr Moustapha El-Solh, Honorary Consul of Lebanon, President of the AHCM © Manuel Vitali/Government Communication Department 

Association of Honorary Consuls General Assembly

03 May 2017 Monaco Worldwide News flash

The Association of Honorary Consuls of Monaco (AHCM) held its General Assembly today. The event was attended by H.E. Mr Serge Telle, Minister of State, H.E. Mr Philippe Narmino, Secretary of Justice, Lieutenant-Colonel Laurent Soler, Chamberlain to H.S.H. the Sovereign Prince, Ms Isabelle Rosabrunetto, Director Gene...

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Exposition 'Sauvez les éléphants d'Afrique' Crédit photo  © Axel Bastello -  Palais Princier - © Axel Bastello -  Palais Princier

"Save the African Elephants" - An Exhibition by the Department of the Environment

02 May 2017 The Environment News flash

The Department of the Environment is organising the photographic exhibition "Save the African Elephants," in partnership with the SEA Associations and the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust. The aim is to raise the awareness of as many people as possible of this cause. The elephant is in danger of extinction;...

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Ambassadeur et Président - H.E. Ms Berro-Amadeï, Ambassador of Monaco to Germany and Mr Benoît Battistelli, President of the European Patent Office© DR

Working agreement between Monaco and European Patent Office

02 May 2017 Monaco Worldwide News flash

On Tuesday 25 April 2017, in Munich, H.E. Ms Berro-Amadeï, Monaco’s Ambassador to Germany, handed over to President of the European Patent Office (EPO) Mr Benoît Battistelli the ratification instruments for the Working Agreement between the European Patent Office and the Principality of Monaco Concerning Cooperation...

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Barquettes de St Jean

Velella Velella in the Bay of Monaco

02 May 2017 The Environment News flash

Since last week, a large number of Velella Velella, commonly known as "By-the-wind-sailors," have appeared in the offshore waters and the waters in the ports of the Principality. These small jellyfish resemble a boat of a few centimetres in length, with a triangular "sail."This morning, compact b...

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