Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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A la Une du Portail

Les finalistes du Coup de Cœur des Lycéens 2024

Finalists for Coup de Cœur des Lycéens 2024

24 April 2024 Culture Press release

The jury for the Prince Pierre Foundation’s Coup de Cœur des Lycéens 2024, comprising Year 11 (Seconde) pupils from Lycée Albert I, Lycée François d’Assise Nicolas Barré and Lycée Rainier III has met to agree the shortlist of novels in contention for the prize.

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Conférence AVIP - De gauche à droite, sur la photo : Federica Nardoni-Spinetta, Présidente et Fondatrice de la MCFW® et de la Chambre Monégasque de la Mode ; Vera Facchetti, sœur de Mara, victime d’un féminicide ; Valérie Campora-Lucas, Directrice Générale de l’AVIP ©Direction de la Communication / Stéphane Danna

The Association for Support to Victims of Crime (AVIP) and Monte Carlo Fashion Week join forces

24 April 2024 Social Affairs and Health Press release

On Tuesday 23 April, the Association for Support to Victims of Crime (AVIP) and Monte-Carlo Fashion Week (MCFW®) unveiled the “Tower of Appearance” to the press and public during a conference held at the Yacht Club of Monaco.This unprecedented partnership is designed to give a voice to victims and highlight the phys...

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Navettes Express - ©DR

Roll-out of the Mobility Plan: New buses on the West-East routes tested

24 April 2024 Quality of Life Press release

The Prince’s Government continues efforts announced in February to roll out its Mobility Plan.After the opening of the Salines Car Park and Galerie des Salines, as well as the simultaneous launch of the X1 and X2 express shuttles, two new bus lines were launched on 22 April.The objective is to offer more public tran...

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Déplacement Macao - Déplacement Macao © DR

Monaco visits Macao and Hong Kong

23 April 2024 Monaco Worldwide Press release

Ms Marie-Pascale Boisson, Monaco’s Ambassador to the People’s Republic of China, and Frédéric Genta, Country Chief Officer for Attractiveness and Digital Transition, travelled to Macao and Hong Kong from 16 to 18 April 2024.The visit, co-organised with Galaxy Entertainment Group, a leading company in Asia and shareh...

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Coopération Environnementale - ©DR

Environmental cooperation: Climate change lies at the heart of bilateral exchanges

23 April 2024 The Environment Press release

Céline Caron-Dagioni, Minister of Public Works, the Environment and Urban Development, and Isabelle Berro-Amadeï, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, met with Leila Chikhaoui, Tunisian Minister of the Environment, and Leila Benali, Moroccan Minister of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development.These bil...

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Visuel 55ème Concours International de Bouquets

The 55th International Bouquet Competition - dedicated to the seas and oceans

22 April 2024 Culture Press release

The Garden Club de Monaco, founded in 1968 by Princess Grace of Monaco, is holding the 55th International Bouquet Competition on 4 and 5 May 2024 at the Yacht Club de Monaco.Under the High Patronage of H.S.H. Prince Albert II and presided over by H.R.H. The Princess of Hanover, the theme of this 55th edition is “Sea...

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Logo La Poste

Changes to mail service during the Monaco e-Prix on Saturday 27 April 2024

22 April 2024 Press release

La Poste Monaco would like to inform customers that different collection times for letters and packages will be in effect on- Saturday 27 April 2024.On this date, the last posting time will be brought forward by one hour: collection from public postboxes (not on the Grand Prix circuit) will begin at 5 am. The...

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Etablissement des relations diplomatiques entre la Principauté de Monaco 1 - Etablissement des relations diplomatiques entre la Principauté de Monaco 1 ©DR

The Principality of Monaco establishes diplomatic relations with the Commonwealth of The Bahamas

22 April 2024 Monaco Worldwide Press release

On 17 April 2024, The Bahamas became the 158th State with which the Principality of Monaco has established diplomatic relations. A joint communiqué was signed by the two countries’ representatives to the United Nations in New York, H.E. Mr Stan Smith and H.E. Ms Isabelle Picco.The Commonwealth of The Bahamas, an isl...

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Semaine européenne de la vaccination

European Immunization Week

22 April 2024 Social Affairs and Health Press release

The current upsurge in certain diseases worldwide is a reminder of the vital importance of immunisations in combating certain transmissible infections, particularly measles. The Principality of Monaco is no exception, and cases continue to rise in neighbouring countries such as France.This disease stems from the mos...

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NMNM - Annonce des résultats - Apprentis collectionneurs 2024 - NMNM - Annonce des résultats - Apprentis collectionneurs 2024 © Direction de la communication du Gouvernement Princier - Manuel Vitali

Nouveau Musée National de Monaco Results published for the 2024 Apprentice Collectors

19 April 2024 Culture Press release

As part of the Apprentice Collectors educational programme launched in 2017 by the Nouveau Musée National de Monaco (NMNM) with the support of the copyright collective Société pour la Gestion des Droits d’Auteur (SOGEDA), participating students presented and defended their submissions before a jury* on Monday 15 Apr...

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