Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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contributions volontaires COE - ©DR

Renewal of an agreement for voluntary contributions between Monaco and the Council of Europe

04 June 2024 News flash

On 30 May 2024, H.E. Mr Gabriel Revel, the Principality of Monaco’s Permanent Representative to the Council of Europe, and Mr Bjørn Berge, Deputy Secretary-General of the Council of Europe, renewed an agreement for voluntary contributions between Monaco and the Council.Through this agreement, Monaco has reaffirmed i...

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Visuel 5ème Rencontre des Sites Historiques Grimaldi de Monaco

5th Meeting of the Historical Sites of the Grimaldis of Monaco - 15 and 16 June – Place du Palais Princier

03 June 2024 Culture Press release

The 5th Meeting of the Historical Sites of the Grimaldis of Monaco will be held on Saturday 15 and Sunday 16 June, on Place du Palais Princier.Over the centuries, the Grimaldis have forged links and established themselves in many French and Italian regions. The princes of Monaco hold the titles of Duke of Valentinoi...

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Téléservices bourses études - ©DR

Online service open to apply for a study or social improvement grant for 2024-2025

03 June 2024 A Modern State Press release

The Department of Education, Youth and Sport of the Prince’s Government would like to inform applicants for a 2024-2025 university study or social improvement grant that online application service is now available on the MonGuichet.mc portal.Applicants must meet one of the following conditions to receive a study or...

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Rencontre UCAM-AIHM - Rencontre UCAM-AIHM © Direction de la communication du Gouvernement Princier - Manuel Vitali

The Government continues to roll out its mobility policy

31 May 2024 The Economy Press release

Today, the Minister of Public Works, the Environment and Urban Development, in the presence of the Chief of Staff to H.E. the Minister of State and his teams, met with representatives of the Monaco Union of Traders and Artisans (UCAM) and the Monegasque Hospitality Industry Association (AIHM), to discuss the Governm...

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@Direction de la Communication-Manuel Vitali - ©Direction de la Communication / Manuel Vitali

Strengthened measures during the Top Marques Monaco supercar show with potential for inappropriate behaviour and dangerous driving by drivers of cars with large engines on the public roads

31 May 2024 Security Press release

The Prince’s Government would like to draw attention to the fact that some particularly entertaining events can draw in large numbers of vehicles that are likely to cause serious disruption to public order.These often unplanned gatherings of sports cars may lead to proven road traffic offences being committed, and t...

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Inauguration du Banc Václav Havel - Inauguration du Banc Václav Havel © Direction de la communication du Gouvernement Princier - Manuel Vitali

Inauguration of the Havel’s Place in Monaco

29 May 2024 Monaco Worldwide Press release

On Wednesday 29 May, H.S.H. Prince Albert II inaugurated a Havel’s Place installation in the gardens of the Pavillon Bosio in the presence of Mr Patrice Cellario, Minister of the Interior, Ms Céline Caron-Dagioni, Minister of Public Works, and Ms Isabelle Berro-Amadei, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, as...

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Télétravail - ©DR

Starting on 1 June 2024, the Principality of Monaco authorises teleworking for employees that commute between Monaco and Italy

29 May 2024 Social Affairs and Health Press release

Amendment No. 1 to the General Social Welfare Convention between the Principality of Monaco and the Italian Republic of 12 February 1982 has been ratified by the authorities of both countries and will enter into force on 1 June 2024.The Prince’s Government is pleased with the end result of several years of negotiati...

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Journée mondiale de l'environnement 5624 - ©DR

World Environment Day : Join us on 5 June 2024 at Larvotto beach!

28 May 2024 Press release

To mark World Environment Day on 5 June, the Principality of Monaco is organising a series of awareness-raising initiatives aimed at protecting our land and oceans.Held each year on 5 June, this United Nations initiative aims to raise awareness and encourage action to protect our environment.The Société Monégasque d...

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Logo La Poste

Closure of the Grimaldi Forum Post Office on Friday, 31 May

28 May 2024 Press release

La Poste Monaco would like to inform its customers that the Grimaldi Forum Post Office will temporarily close on Friday, 31 May 2024, at 12.30 pm and, will reopen on Monday, 3 June at the usual times.All other post offices in the Principality will remain open at their usual times.La Poste Monaco apologises to its cu...

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Etablissement des relations diplomatiques entre la Principauté de Monaco - Etablissement des relations diplomatiques entre la Principauté de Monaco ©DR

The establishment of diplomatic relations between the Principality of Monaco and the Republic of Nauru

27 May 2024 Monaco Worldwide Press release

On 21 May 2024, the Republic of Nauru became the 159th State with which the Principality of Monaco has established diplomatic relations, following the signing of joint communiqués by the Permanent Representatives to the United Nations in New York, H.E. Ms Margo Deiye and H.E. Ms Isabelle Picco.The Republic of Nauru,...

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