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Specimen carte handicap Recto

Un nouveau modèle de carte pour les personnes handicapées pour faciliter la vie au quotidien

17 July 2024 Social Affairs and Health Press release

Annoncé par le Département des Affaires Sociales et de la Santé lors de la présentation du plan Handipact, un nouveau modèle de carte «prioritépour personne handicapée » est désormais disponible.Destinée à faciliter le quotidien et les déplacements des personnes en situation de handicap, la carte «priorité pour pers...

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14ème réunion annuelle de la CID 2 - ©Direction de la Communication - Manuel Vitali

14th annual meeting of the Committee for Graduate Employment (CID)

11 July 2024 Press release

Chaired by the Minister of Health and Social Affairs, Christophe Robino, the Committee for Graduate Employment (CID), steered by Ms Héloïse Boin, met on Tuesday 9 July 2023 to review its activities and present its 2023 annual report to its members.During the meeting the new head of the Committee submitted the figure...

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tous concernes cnaicule 2024 - ©DR

Keeping children safe in hot weather

08 July 2024 Press release

Children are particularly vulnerable to heat-related illnesses (dehydration, hyperthermia, heatstroke). It is therefore essential to prevent, recognise and treat these illnesses during summer. It is highly recommended to keep children under one out of the sun In general, children should not be exposed to the sun...

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Handiplage 2024 - Ouverture du site Handiplage 2024 © Direction de la Communication – Manuel Vitali

Handiplage re-opens: this summer, enjoy easy and safe access to the sea on Larvotto beach until 1 September 2024

04 July 2024 Social Affairs and Health News flash

Handiplage officially opened today at a ceremony attended by Christophe Robino, Minister of Health and Social Affairs, along with representatives of the National Council, City Hall, the Department of Social Welfare and Social Services, the Department of Urban Amenities and the Public Car Parks Office.“This service i...

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16 CS IMSEE 2024 - ©Direction de la Communication - Manuel Vitali

16th meeting of the Scientific Council for Statistics and Economic Studies

04 July 2024 News flash

The members of the Scientific Council for Statistics and Economic Studies met at the Ministry of State on Tuesday 2 July under the aegis of the Council’s new Chair, Professor Pierre Dubois.During the meeting, Alexandre Bubbio, Director of Monaco Statistics (IMSEE), spoke about the Institute’s work, including: the...

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