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World Day for Safety and Health at Work: making quality employment the norm

29 April 2024 Press release

On World Day for Safety and Health at Work, the Prince’s Government recalled the important role played by the Office of Occupational Medicine, the body that ensures workplace health services for private sector employees as well as civil servants and public sector employees.The Office’s multidisciplinary team, compos...

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Graphique Recensement 2023  - ©IMSEE

A new and long-term method of calculation for the population census

26 April 2024 Press release

Monaco Statistics (IMSEE) has published the initial results of the 2023 Population Census using a new calculation method now based on registers.The introduction of this new calculation method has therefore created a break in series: results from previous years obtained by annual updates, are now incomparable.Thanks...

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Conférence AVIP - De gauche à droite, sur la photo : Federica Nardoni-Spinetta, Présidente et Fondatrice de la MCFW® et de la Chambre Monégasque de la Mode ; Vera Facchetti, sœur de Mara, victime d’un féminicide ; Valérie Campora-Lucas, Directrice Générale de l’AVIP ©Direction de la Communication / Stéphane Danna

The Association for Support to Victims of Crime (AVIP) and Monte Carlo Fashion Week join forces

24 April 2024 Social Affairs and Health Press release

On Tuesday 23 April, the Association for Support to Victims of Crime (AVIP) and Monte-Carlo Fashion Week (MCFW®) unveiled the “Tower of Appearance” to the press and public during a conference held at the Yacht Club of Monaco.This unprecedented partnership is designed to give a voice to victims and highlight the phys...

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Semaine européenne de la vaccination

European Immunization Week

22 April 2024 Social Affairs and Health Press release

The current upsurge in certain diseases worldwide is a reminder of the vital importance of immunisations in combating certain transmissible infections, particularly measles. The Principality of Monaco is no exception, and cases continue to rise in neighbouring countries such as France.This disease stems from the mos...

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C. Robino Initiative OMS Europe - De gauche à droite : Dr. Hans Kluge, Directeur Régional de l’OMS Europe, Christophe ROBINO, Conseiller de Gouvernement-Ministre des Affaires Sociales et de la Santé © DR

World Health Organization (WHO): Christophe Robino attends the Tenth High-level Meeting of the Small Countries Initiative (SCI), held from 10 to 12 April 2024 in Limassol, Cyprus

18 April 2024 Social Affairs and Health Press release

Christophe Robino, Minister of Health and Social Affairs, accompanied by Alexandre Bordero, Director of Health Affairs, and Antoine Antonini, Head of Section of the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs, took part in the Tenth High-level Meeting of the Small Countries Initiative (WHO Europe) held in Limassol (Cyprus...

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