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- Reviewing 10 years of cooperation in Mongolia
Reviewing 10 years of cooperation in Mongolia
A Monegasque delegation* led by Isabelle Rosabrunetto, Director General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, visited Mongolia from 5 to 14 July 2018 at the invitation of the Mongolian Foreign Minister Damdin Tsogtbaatar to review cooperation efforts in the country since 2008.
This working visit, which came ten days after the official visit of H.S.H. the Sovereign Prince to Mongolia, provided an opportunity for dialogue with the country’s authorities** about the projects supported by Monaco’s Official Development Assistance and a chance to undertake field trips to meet partners and beneficiaries.
The outcome was extremely positive. Since cooperation began, the Prince’s Government has donated 3.8 million euros in aid to Mongolia. Between 2015 and 2017, 45,000 people have benefited directly from this aid, which has enabled them to improve their living conditions (140,000 people have benefited indirectly).
The projects supported by Monaco fall under the areas of health, education, socio-economic integration, food security and cultural cooperation, in conjunction with the Monaco Museum of Prehistoric Anthropology.
The majority of projects have been followed up and/or taken over by national and local authorities in Mongolia, reflecting full incorporation into the country’s priorities and public policies.
During this visit, the Monegasque delegation also met the UNICEF representative in Mongolia and discussed some innovative actions supported by Monaco, particularly those relating to the establishment of mobile school yurts, in collaboration with the Ministry of Education.
As of 2018, two development aid projects are still supported by Monaco, providing assistance for nomadic herders and pre-school education. From 2019, the Principality will no longer intervene in the country, in order to focus its Official Development Assistance on least developed countries.
*: For the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation: Isabelle Rosabrunetto, Director General, Sophie Robin-Aliprandi, Programme Manager. For the Monaco Museum of Prehistoric Anthropology: Elena Rossoni-Notter, Director, Jérôme Magail, Archaeology Manager.
**: Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry, Ministry of Education
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