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Inauguration des nouveaux locaux du FAR - ©Direction de la Communication

Inauguration des nouveaux locaux du FAR

25 January 2019 News flash

Créé il y a 35 ans en Principauté, Rue Plati, l’association catholique Foi, Action, Rayonnement (FAR) vient de se doter de nouveaux locaux situés au sein de la « Villa Thérèse ». Ce bâtiment, situé sur le boulevard du Jardin Exotique, a été inauguré fin de semaine dernière par S.A.S. le Prince Albert II, en présence...

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Agora 2019 - Photo caption: H.S.H. the Sovereign Prince during his visit to the Museum of Prehistoric Anthropology’s stand – © Manuel Vitali – Government Communication Department

2019 Careers Agora : Helping pupils to make an informed choice

24 January 2019 Press release

H.S.H. Prince Albert II paid a visit to the various stands at the 4th Careers Agora, held on Tuesday 22 January 2019 in the Rainier III Auditorium. The Sovereign Prince was accompanied by H.E. Mr Serge Telle, Minister of State, Mr Patrice Cellario, Minister of the Interior, Mr Didier Gamerdinger, Minister of Health...

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DENJS Marché de Noël - ©Direction de la Communication / Stéphane Danna

Stand dedicated to children’s rights at Christmas market

10 December 2018 Youth News flash

Activities to mark Universal Children’s Day 2018, celebrated on 20 and 22 November, are continuing at the Principality’s Christmas market.At the initiative of the Department of Education, Youth and Sport, a stand dedicated to children’s rights has been set up at the market for the second year in a row.Christmas deco...

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Voir la photo - Pascal Plisson, director of the documentary film "Sur le chemin de l’école." - © Direction de la Communication - Michael Alesi

International Children's Rights Day The Way to School for Children from Elsewhere

27 November 2018 Youth Press release

On 22 November, in connection with the International Children's Rights Day, pupils from Years5, 6 and 7 in the Principality's State schools and private schools under contract had an opportunity to meet Pascal Plisson, the director of the documentary film "Sur le chemin de l’école" ("On the Way to Scho...

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