Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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International Children's Rights Day

13 November 2018 Youth News flash

"Issue" – Contemporary Dance ShowTuesday 20 November –7.30 p.m.– Princess Grace Theatre

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Voir la photo - © Direction de la Communication - Michael Alesi

Pierre Rabhi Meets Schoolchildren from the Principality

09 November 2018 Youth News flash

Yesterday, Thursday, in the presence of Mr. Patrice Cellario, Minister of Interior, and IsabelleBonnal, Director of Education, Youth and Sport, three hundred pupils from State and private schools in the Principality had the opportunity to meet Pierre Rabhi and discuss their concerns about the future of humanity with...

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Everyone is Mobilised to Help Combat Bullying in Schools

08 November 2018 Youth Press release

On Thursday 8 November 2018, all State and private schools under contract are taking part in a "No to Bullying" day.This day is part of the Prince's Government's action and preventative plan to combat bullying in schools, which is based on three elements: preventing and detecting various types of bullying,...

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Tirelire Droits de l'Enfant - ©Direction de la Communication / Stéphane Danna

“A Piggy Bank for Children’s Rights”

12 October 2018 Youth News flash

Monegasque businesses support Universal Children’s Day initiative

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CID 2018 - Copyright - Direction de la Communication / Michael Alési

Digital Transition of the Committee for Graduate Employment (C.I.D.)

08 October 2018 Social Affairs and Health Press release

On Monday 8 October 2018, Muriel Bubbio, the Committee's Head of the Committee for Graduate Employment, invited the press for a presentation on the action taken and the objectives that are being implemented for the coming year. The C.I.D. was founded in February 2010 with the aim of creating links between students,...

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