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Inauguration Panneaux solaires MCB - From left to right: Frédéric Darnet, Director of the Monte-Carlo Bay; Marie-Pierre Gramaglia, Minister of Public Works, the Environment and Urban Development; Thomas Battaglione, Chief Executive Officer of SMEG, and Achour Daira, Technical Director of the Monte-Carlo Bay © Government Communication Department/Michael Alési

Inauguration of solar panel installation at Monte-Carlo Bay

10 April 2019 The Environment News flash

Marie-Pierre Gramaglia, Minister of Public Works, the Environment and Urban Development, officially unveiled the solar panel installation at the Monte-Carlo Bay on Tuesday 9 April. The ceremony was attended by the hotel’s director, Frédéric Darnet, and Thomas Battaglione, Chief Executive Officer of SMEG.After congra...

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Centre de tri Paprec - ©Direction de la Communication / Manuel Vitali

Waste Sorting - A Reality for Monaco

09 April 2019 The Environment News flash

On a Press visit to the Paprec Trivalo Côte d'Azur Waste Sorting Centre in Cannes-la-Bocca, participants were able to appreciate the importance of waste sorting in the Principality and see how it is put into practice. On average, a total of almost 350 tonnes of household packaging from Monaco is sent annually to thi...

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Comité national Suivi des Aires Marines protégées - At the top, from left to right: Christophe Cauvin, Technical Advisor at the Ministry of the Interior, H.E. Mr Bernard Fautrier, Vice-President and Chief Executive Officer of the Prince Albert II Foundation, Robert Calcagno, CEO of the Institute of Oceanography, Prince Albert I of Monaco Foundation. Second row, left to right: Cyril Gomez, Director General of the Ministry of Public Works, the Environment and Urban Development, Isabelle Assenza, Secretary-General of the Ministry of Finance and Economy, Armelle Roudaut-Lafon, Director of Maritime Affairs, Raphaël Simonet, Head of Section at the Department of the Environment, Olivier Dufourneaud, Director of Oceans Policy at the Institute of Oceanography. In the foreground: Jacqueline Gautier-Debernardi, Director of the Monegasque Association for the Protection of Nature, and Professor Denis Allemand, Scientific Director of the Monaco Scientific Centre. © Government Communication Department / Manuel Vitali

First meeting of the National Committee for Monitoring Marine Protected Areas

05 April 2019 The Environment Press release

The first meeting of the National Committee for Monitoring Marine Protected Areas, which is made up of representatives from the Government, the Prince Albert II Foundation, the Institute of Oceanography, Monaco Scientific Centre, the Department of the Environment and the Department of Maritime Affairs, was held on F...

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Test dépollution parking Centre Commercial Carrefour - ©Direction de la Communication/Michael Alesi

Pollution Control Test in the Carrefour Shopping Centre Car Park

04 April 2019 The Environment News flash

As part of its Innovation and Quality of Life projects, the Ministry of Public Works, the Environment and Urban Development is conducting an air pollution control test in the car park of the Carrefour shopping centre.Air quality measuring devices have been installed by the specialist company Kali'air for theperiod o...

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Conf annuelle Transition Energétique. ©Direction de la Communication-Manuel Vitali - H.S.H. Prince Albert II, surrounded by Annabelle Jaeger-Seydoux, the Minister of State, Marie-Pierre Gramaglia and the winners of the Energy Transition Prizes. © Government Communication Department / Manuel Vitali

Annual Energy Transition Conference

01 April 2019 The Environment News flash

On Friday 29 March, the Annual Energy Transition Conference was held at the Yacht Club de Monaco. It was attended by H.S.H. the Sovereign Prince, H.E. the Minister of State, Marie-Pierre Gramaglia, Minister of Public Works, the Environment and Urban Development, and Julien Vidal, the evening’s guest of honour.The ev...

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