Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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Gramado Summit - ©DR

Gramado Summit in Brazil - Visit Monaco rewards eco-friendly river transport app

20 August 2019 The Environment News flash

Monaco’s Representative Office in Brazil took part in the Gramado Summit, Brazil’s leading conference on innovation and the associated and highly diversified start-up ecosystem, which was held from 31 July to 2 August 2019 near Porto Alegre. Some 200 exhibitors and close to 2,500 visitors a day attended the summit.S...

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Deforestation - ©DR

Monaco Against Deforestation – Positive Results

05 August 2019 Press release

The 2018 review of the Charter on the use and "virtuous" management of wood has been finalised. It is very positive, with a response rate of 98%.As a reminder, this Charter was adopted as part of the Monaco Against Deforestation campaign, which was the result of a partnership between the Prince's Governmen...

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Voir la photo - © - DR

Low CO2 heat pumps

29 July 2019 The Environment Press release

New energy regulations were adopted last year in response to the Principality’s ambitious objectives for reducing its greenhouse gas emissions and improving energy efficiency in buildings.The regulations focus first on strengthening energy performance requirements for new buildings and renovation projects, and secon...

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Kiosque d'informations solaire - ©Direction de la Communication / Charly Gallo

Monaco Tourist and Convention Authority is Trialling a Solar-Powered Information Kiosk

26 July 2019 The Environment News flash

This summer, as part of its sustainability policy, the Principality's Tourist and Convention Authority is trialling a seasonal tourist information office that is powered exclusively by solar energy. This innovative kiosk has been installed on the forecourt of the Grimaldi Forum, where it will remain for two months.I...

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signature PTE CRM - Frédéric Platini, Secretary-General of the Monaco Red Cross, accompanied by Marie-Pierre Gramaglia, Minister of Public Works, the Environment and Urban Development, and Annabelle Jaeger-Seydoux, Director of the Mission for Energy Transition, at the pact signing ceremony © Government Communication Department – Stéphane Danna

Monaco Red Cross commits to Principality’s energy transition

26 July 2019 News flash

On Thursday 25 July, Secretary-General of the Monaco Red Cross Frédéric Platini signed the National Energy Transition Pact Commitment Charter, in the presence of Marie-Pierre Gramaglia, Minister of Public Works, the Environment and Urban Development, and Annabelle Jaeger-Seydoux, Director of the Mission for Energy T...

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