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Réunion tripartie 07-2018 - Photo caption, from left to right: Antoni Marti Petit, Prime Minister of Andorra, Serge Telle, Minister of State of the Principality of Monaco, and Nicola Renzi, Minister of Foreign and Political Affairs and Justice of San Marino© Government Communication Department – Michael Alesi

Tripartite meeting on negotiations with European Union Monaco, Andorra and San Marino

13 July 2018 Monaco Worldwide Press release

On Friday 13 July 2018, H.E. Mr Serge Telle, the Minister of State, welcomed Mr Antoni Martí Petit, the Prime Minister of Andorra, and Mr Nicola Renzi, the Minister of Foreign and Political Affairs and Justice of San Marino, accompanied by delegations,* for discussions on progress made in negotiations with the Europ...

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Réception Paris 2018 - H.E. Mr Claude Cottalorda, his wife and H.E. Ms Ségolène Royal © Cyril Bailleul

Reception in Paris to celebrate anniversary of H.S.H. the Sovereign Prince’s accession

13 July 2018 Monaco Worldwide News flash

The Principality of Monaco’s Ambassador to France celebrated the anniversary of the accession of H.S.H. Prince Albert II at Pavillon Vendôme, in the heart of Paris’ first arrondissement, on 9 July 2018. More than 400 guests were welcomed by H.E. Mr Claude Cottalorda and his wife, including H.E. Ms Ségolène Royal, fo...

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Réception Espagne 1 - H.E. Mr Jean-Luc Van Klaveren, Ambassador of Monaco to Spain, his wife and the Ambassador of South Africa to Spain ©DR

Annual reception at the Embassy of Monaco in Spain

13 July 2018 Monaco Worldwide News flash

On 10 July 2018, Monaco’s Embassy in Spain held a reception to celebrate the anniversary of H.S.H. Prince Albert II’s accession in the cordial atmosphere of the gardens of the residence in La Moraleja (Alcobendas).The event was attended by nearly 300 people and the theme for the evening was “Monaco and the Sea”. The...

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Réception Bruxelles  2018 - ©Bénédicte Maindiaux

Reception in Brussels in honour of the anniversary of H.S.H. the Sovereign Prince’s accession

13 July 2018 Monaco Worldwide News flash

On 10 July, H.E. Mrs Sophie Thevenoux, Ambassador of the Principality of Monaco to the Kingdom of Belgium and Head of Monaco’s Mission to the European Union, and Mr Marc Thevenoux celebrated the anniversary of the accession of H.S.H. the Sovereign Prince by hosting a reception in the gardens of their Residence. Two...

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Voir la photo - H.E. Mr Claude Cottalorda, Monaco’s Ambassador to France, and H.E. Mr Christian Ileka Atoki, Ambassador of the Democratic Republic of the Congo to France© DR

Diplomatic relations established between Principality of Monaco and Democratic Republic of the Congo

11 July 2018 Monaco Worldwide News flash

The Principality of Monaco and the Democratic Republic of the Congo signed a joint communiqué on 5 July 2018, establishing diplomatic relations between the countries. The document was signed by H.E. Mr Claude Cottalorda, Monaco’s Ambassador to France, and H.E. Mr Christian Ileka Atoki, Ambassador of the Democratic R...

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