Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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1-Commémoration des 120 ans de la Sûreté publique. ©Direction de la Communication-Manuel Vitali - ©Direction de la Communication / Manuel Vitali

The Police Department celebrates its 120th anniversary

01 July 2022 Security News flash

The ceremony to commemorate the 120th anniversary of the creation of the Police Department was held at the Oceanographic Museum, in the presence of H.S.H. the Sovereign Prince, Charlotte Casiraghi, Patron of the Police Department, H.E. Mr Pierre Dartout, Minister of State, Patrice Cellario, Minister of Interior, Mr...

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Herculis 2022

HERCULIS EBS - Mercredi 10 Août 2022 : Les Champions de France à l'assaut du Stade Louis II

01 July 2022 Sport Press release

Les passionnés d'athlétisme le savent : le Meeting Herculis EBS est l'un des temps forts de la saison estivale, promettant toujours des duels au sommet entre les meilleurs athlètes du monde. Cette année encore, les organisateurs resteront fidèles à cette promesse, et offriront la possibilité à 5 champions de France...

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application carlo - ©DR

Prince's Government continues to support shops and restaurants with Carlo App

01 July 2022 The Economy Press release

In a bid to offer government support to encourage local consumption, and given the success of the app with customers in the Principality and the 426 partner traders, the Prince’s Government has decided to continue to cover the platform fees usually charged to shops and restaurants beyond 30 June 2022.This support wi...

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CHPG labellisé Mon Restau Responsable. ©Direction de la Communication - Stéphane Danna - From left to right: Patrick Rolland, Deputy Director of the Department of the Environment; Mariem Moussa, Princess Grace Hospital Catering Department; Françoise Maechling, Head of the Princess Grace Hospital Catering Department; Christophe Mari, Regional Representative for Mon Restau Responsable; Alix Puzenat, Ecoscience Provence. ©Government Communication Department / Stéphane Danna

Princess Grace Hospital earns Mon Restau Responsable certification

01 July 2022 Social Affairs and Health News flash

On Wednesday 29 June, a public engagement session was held at the Lou Clapas Amphitheatre to officially mark Princess Grace Hospital’s admission to the Mon Restau Responsable (My Responsible Canteen) initiative. The event was attended by Ms Benoîte Rousseau de Sevelinges, Director of Princess Grace Hospital, Ms Marj...

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Projet Horizon Europe - Projet Horizon Europe

Horizon Europe project

01 July 2022 Monaco Worldwide Press release

As part of Horizon Europe, the European Union’s key funding programme for research and innovation, Stéphan Bruno, Director of the Business Development Agency, and François-Xavier Le Clerc, Head of the Financing and Economic Development Division, are travelling to Brussels for a meeting with the European Commission o...

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