Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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Les Consuls honoraires de Monaco en Belgique, aux Pays-Bas et au Luxembourg réunis à l’Ambassade de Monaco en Belgique ©DR - Les Consuls honoraires de Monaco en Belgique, aux Pays-Bas et au Luxembourg réunis à l’Ambassade de Monaco en Belgique ©DR

Monaco’s honorary consuls in Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg gather at Embassy in Belgium

15 July 2022 Press release

On Tuesday 12 July 2022, Monaco’s Embassy in Belgium held its annual meeting, bringing together all of Monaco’s honorary consuls in Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg.During the meeting, Monaco’s Ambassador to Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg, H.E. Mr Frédéric Labarrère, and his team presented to the hon...

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Diplôme National du Brevet examinations 2022 - Outstanding achievement

14 July 2022 Youth Press release

Pupils at Collège Charles III and Collège François d’Assise – Nicolas Barré have achieved an absolutely remarkable feat, scoring a pass rate of 99.75% in the Diplôme National du Brevet (DNB) examinations.These fantastic results included the award of 354 honours (i.e. 87.41% of students earned honours), and can be br...

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Anniversaire Avènement de S.A.S le Prince Albert II célébré par l’Ambassade de la Principauté de Monaco en Espagne 1 © Julia Robles - Anniversaire Avènement de S.A.S le Prince Albert II célébré par l’Ambassade de la Principauté de Monaco en Espagne 1 © Julia Robles

Principality of Monaco’s Embassy in Spain celebrates anniversary of H.S.H. Prince Albert II’s accession

13 July 2022 Press release

The Principality of Monaco’s Embassy in Spain celebrated the anniversary of the accession of H.S.H. Prince Albert II at Club Financiero Genova, in the heart of Madrid, on 5 July 2022.H.E. Ms Catherine Fautrier-Rousseau and her husband welcomed nearly 200 guests, including numerous ambassadors, senior officials from...

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La Coopération Monégasque réaffirme son engagement auprès de sept partenaires privilégiés © Stéphane Danna - Direction de la Communication - La Coopération Monégasque réaffirme son engagement auprès de sept partenaires privilégiés © Stéphane Danna - Direction de la Communication

Monaco’s Department of International Cooperation reaffirms commitment to seven key partners

13 July 2022 Press release

On Tuesday 12 July, Ms Isabelle BERRO-AMADEÏ, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, signed memoranda of understanding with seven key partners of Monaco’s Department of International Cooperation.These Memoranda of Understanding formalise and deepen the relationships and joint strategies, and strengthen coopera...

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12ème Réunion de la Commission d’Insertion des Diplômés.  ©Direction de la Communication-Michael Alesi - From left to right: Muriel Bubbio, Project Manager at the Committee for Graduate Employment; Christophe Robino, Minister of Health and Social Affairs; Laurence Garino, Chief of Staff to H.E. the Minister of State; and Isabelle Bonnal, Commissioner General of the Department of Education, Youth and Sport. © Government Communication Department / Michael Alesi

12th meeting of the Committee for Graduate Employment (CID)

13 July 2022 Youth Press release

Chaired by the Minister of Health and Social Affairs, Christophe Robino, the Committee for Graduate Employment met on Tuesday 12 July 2022 to review its activities and present its annual report for 2021 to its members.The Committee for Graduate Employment’s objectives are: To develop links between higher education...

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