Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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MIE Costadoro - Julien Cellario, Commissaire du Pavillon de Monaco et Directeur Général de MIE et Giulio Trombetta, Directeur général de Costadoro @Direction de la Communication/Manuel Vitali

Expo Internationale - Astana 2017 Signature de partenariat

02 December 2016 Monaco Worldwide News flash

Vendredi 2 décembre 2016, Monaco Inter Expo (MIE) a signé un accord de partenariat avec la Société Costadoro, au Monte-Carlo Bay Resort.Costadoro, déjà partenaire de MIE pendant l’Exposition Universelle de Milan 2015, a souhaité renouveler sa confiance durant l'Exposition Internationale Astana 2017 dont le thème est...

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Coopération Madagascar 1 - Serge Telle and Gilles Tonelli visit the ENDA OI centre for children and young people living on the streets ©DCI 

Strengthening bilateral cooperation between Monaco and Madagascar

02 December 2016 Monaco Worldwide Press release

As part of work to strengthen bilateral cooperation between the Principality and Madagascar, a Monegasque delegation* led by Serge Telle, Minister of State, and Gilles Tonelli, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, travelled to Madagascar from 22 November to 2 December 2016 for a working visit.

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Voir la photo - ©Manu Vitali - Centre de Presse

Prévention et lutte contre le SIDA dans les établissements scolaires de la Principauté

01 December 2016 Youth Press release

En ce 1er décembre, Journée Mondiale de Lutte contre le SIDA, différentes manifestations sont organisées au sein des établissements scolaires de la Principauté dans le cadre du programme Info-Sida.Depuis 8 ans, un partenariat de grande qualité entre la Direction de l’Éducation Nationale, de la Jeunesse et des Sports...

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M2PA (The Association for the Sustainable Financing of Mediterranean MPAs) Grants its First Funding to Marine Protected Areas in the Maghreb

28 November 2016 The Environment Press release

At its second Forum on Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), which is being held in Tangier from 28 November to 1 December 2016, the Association for the Sustainable Financing of Mediterranean MPAs (M2PA) has announced, via its President, Xavier Sticker, the granting of its first funding for marine protected a...

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Sport-Boules - ©DR

Denis Ravera Sport Boules World Championship Monegasque - Boules Club and Omnisports Hall, Espace Saint-Antoine - From 28 November to 3 December 2016

28 November 2016 Sport News flash

The "Denis Ravera" Sport Boules World Championship (Under 18-Under 23), held under the High Patronage of H.S.H. Prince Albert II, is taking place from 28 November to3December in Monaco.24 countries from 5 continents will compete in 6 events:• Under 23: Progressive Shooting, Rapid Relay doubles and Precisio...

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