Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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Dépôt OCDE - From left to right: Ms Josée Fecteau, Deputy Director of Legal Affairs, OECD; H.E Mr Serge Telle, Minister of State; Mr Nicola Bonucci, Director of Legal Affairs, OECD; Mr Jean Castellini, Minister of Finance and Economy

Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters instrument of ratification deposited with OECD

14 December 2016 Press release

The Minister of State, accompanied by the Minister of Finance and Economy, today deposited with the Secretary-General of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Mr Angel Gurría the instrument of ratification for the Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters, signed by H.S...

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appli CCSS - Copyright - Direction de la Communication

New Online Services for Monaco Social Security Funds

13 December 2016 Social Affairs and Health News flash

Today, Monaco Social Security Funds presented the online services that have been developed over the past months and made available to insured members, including the "C.S.M." app for tablets and smartphones. The aim of this digitisation is to make life easier for employees and employers, 85% of whom, as at...

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Saison 2016-2017

Monaco Philosophical Meetings 2016/2017

13 December 2016 Culture News flash

For this second season (see attached programme), the Workshops of the Monaco Philosophical Meetings are addressing the subject of the body. Eminent philosophers and speakers are invited to present the public with a series of high-level deliberations on this topic.The aim of the Monaco Philosophical Meetings associat...

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Voir la photo - ©Manu Vitali - Centre de Presse

Publication of a Supplement on the Birth of the Royal Children to Accompany the Official Journal of 9 December 2016

10 December 2016 News flash

To mark the second anniversary of the birth of the Royal Children, H.S.H. Hereditary Prince Jacques and H.S.H. Princess Gabriella, a supplement to the Journal de Monaco will be published, devoted to this event and featuring many photos.Exceptionally, the Journal de Monaco will not appear on line on Friday as usual,...

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"BAROQUE CHRISTMASES" Tuesday 6 and Friday 9 December 2016 – Visitation Chapel – 8.30 p.m.

09 December 2016 Culture Press release

Since 2011, the Principality's Department of Cultural Affairs has presented concerts of Baroque music every December in the Visitation Chapel. This year, the programmes are centred on a major event of the liturgical calendar – preparing to celebrate Christmas.Tuesday 6 December 2016, at 8.30 p.m:"Veni, Veni Emm...

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