Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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Jeunes monégasques Paris - ©DR

Young Monegasques' Evening in Paris

20 December 2016 Monaco Worldwide News flash

On 13 December, H.E. Mr. Claude Cottalorda, Ambassador of Monaco to France, invited young Monegasques and denizens living in Paris to a reception, so they could share a time of conviviality prior to the festive period.The Ambassador, his wife and diplomats from the Embassy of Monaco in France were host to fifty or s...

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Affiche NG6 2017

There's a first time for everything!

19 December 2016 Culture Press release

41st International Circus Festival of Monte-CarloFrom the 19th to the 29th January 2017Press Release n° 3

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Fortes rafales de vent

19 December 2016 Press release

L’attention des résidents et des usagers est attirée sur la prévision de Météo-France pour la journée du mardi 20 décembre, avec notamment des rafales de vent pouvant dépasser les 70 km/h à partir de 4h00 du matin, avec une orientation prévisionnelle du vent Nord-Est.Aussi, le Gouvernement Princier recommande de pre...

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PP fiscalité - MM Castellini and Orsini answering questions during the press briefing.

Press Briefing on Automatic Exchange in the Principality

16 December 2016 News flash

Today, the Minister of State, with Mr. Jean Castellini, Minister of Finance and Economy and Mr.Thierry Orsini, Director General of the Ministry of Finance and Economy, held a press briefing on the automatic exchange of tax information.The press briefing followed the deposit with the OECD of the instrument of ratific...

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Valérie Bruelle Melchior - Ms Valérie Bruell-Melchior, Minister-Counsellor and Monaco’s Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations ©DR

Presentation to UN on cooperation between Monaco and IAEA

15 December 2016 Monaco Worldwide News flash

During the review by the United Nations General Assembly on 12 December of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) report, Ms Valérie Bruell-Melchior, Minister-Counsellor and Monaco’s Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations, set out the close cooperation between the Principality and the Agency.Of...

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