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10 February 2022 Press release

54th meeting of the RAMOGE Commission

De gauche à droite : Mme Anne VISSIO, Secrétaire exécutive de l’Accord RAMOGE, Mme Isabelle ROSABRUNETTO, Présidente de la Commission RAMOGE – Directeur Général du Département des Relations Extérieures et de la Coopération et Mme Armelle ROUDAUT-LAFON, Chef de la Délégation monégasque – Directeur des Affaires maritimes.

The RAMOGE* Agreement held the 54th meeting of the RAMOGE Commission on Friday 4 February 2022. The meeting was chaired by Ms Isabelle ROSABRUNETTO, Director General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, and held in a hybrid format due to the current health measures.

It was an opportunity for the French, Italian and Monegasque delegations to provide an update on the progress of the activities set out in the two-year work plan for 2021 and 2022. In challenging and uncertain circumstances, RAMOGE has proved to be resilient, continuing with numerous actions including:

• Monitoring the conservation status of iconic Mediterranean species (brown meagre, grouper, noble pen shell, ribbed Mediterranean limpet, cystoseira) and organising two awareness days for diving clubs.

• Applying the results of the RAMOGE exploration campaigns and developing recommendations for States to help strengthen the protection of deep-sea areas of ecological interest.

• Finalising an important study on the sustainable management of cruising and yachting, which has resulted in a summary of the full environmental impact of these activities and proposals for technical, regulatory and awareness solutions to limit disruption as far as possible.

• Producing a website and guide on preventing marine waste, aimed at local communities in the RAMOGE zone.

• Organising a RAMOGEPOL pollution prevention exercise off the coast of Cap Corse, involving the mobilisation of numerous resources: 15 boats, 5 aircraft and 4 drones. The Principality’s involvement deserves to be highlighted: the Marine and Airport Police Division’s Princesse Gabriella launch took part in the exercise, and the Police Department’s drone unit was also on hand.

• Continuing with the OSCAR-MED initiative to monitor illegal dumping in the Mediterranean.

In 2022, the RAMOGE Agreement will embark on large-scale activities, including preparations for a new campaign to explore deep-sea areas from a vessel belonging to the Istituto Superiore per la protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale (ISPRA), the sharing of best practices for sustainable management of cruising and yachting, and the publication of its guide for local communities on preventing marine waste. In addition, during the next Monaco Ocean Week, the Agreement will launch the latest edition of its international photography competition, “RAMOGE – Man and the Sea”.


* International cooperation agreement to preserve the coastline and marine environment between France, Monaco and Italy, covering the zone between Marseille and La Spezia.

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