Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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News of theme "Youth"
04 September 2018 News flash

Press conference to mark beginning of 2018/2019 school year

© - Direction de la Communication - Manu Vitali

At the new Stella primary school,* Isabelle Bonnal, Director of Education, Youth and Sport, presented the key themes for the start of the 2018/2019 academic year. Minister of the Interior Patrice Celario was also in attendance. 

The Minister began the press conference by reiterating that education remained a priority for the Prince’s Government, which he described as “keen to prepare young people for their adult lives and for the world around them.” With this in mind, he confirmed that the system of study grants would continue to evolve, stressing that grants had risen by 25% between 2015 and 2018. 

Key points raised during the press conference included:


-        Changes to the programmes taught in Year 11 (Seconde) in light of the new baccalaureate set to be introduced in 2021 (to ensure that pupils receive the best possible preparation, 54 hours of guidance per year are planned)

-        Pedagogical and educational innovation, with the publication of a textbook on the history of Monaco to complement the existing work, and improved teacher training at all levels (one teacher will be given particular responsibility for identifying training needs for teachers at secondary level)

-        The digital transition and teaching of coding

-        Delivery of the new FANB collège and lycée in February 2019

-        Optimisation of sports provision, with the creation of a new field named after Hereditary Princes Jacques at Devens for football and rugby clubs 

* From the start of this year, the Stella school (Rue Hubert Clérissi) will accommodate the 169 pupils from all of the nursery classes at La Condamine school (ages 3–5). With the opening of the new school, the Government is improving conditions for primary pupils in the district by significantly increasing the space available. 

On Monday 10 September, 5,749 pupils will return to school, supervised by 846 staff, including 509 teachers.

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