Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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News of theme "The Economy"
31 January 2022 Press release

Death of Mr James CHARRIER, Former Chairman of the Board of Auditors

James Charrier. ©Direction de la Communication / Charly Gallo

The Prince's Government was saddened to learn of the death, on 9 January 2022, of Mr James CHARRIER, who was Chairman of the Principality's Board of Auditors from 2004 to 2016.

James CHARRIER was born in 1927 and began his administrative career in 1947 as a tax inspector.

After graduating from the National School of Administration (Ecole Nationale d'Administration), he joined the Court of Auditors, where he spent his entire career, successively as an auditor (1955), referendary counsellor (1960), master counsellor (1979) and chamber President (1988-1995).

In 1974, he was appointed to the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Court of Audit, where he successively held the positions of Advocate General (1974-1978), then First Advocate General (1979-1985).

In the Principality, James CHARRIER joined the Board of Auditors at the time of its creation in 1969, as a member, before being appointed Vice-Chairman in 1989, then Chairman from 2004.  In 2016, he wished to cease his activities, due to his age.

As a member, then Chairman, of the Principality's Board of Auditors, James Charrier conducted audits in various fields, mainly concerning finance, the budget and the State's accounts.

In addition, as Chairman, James CHARRIER was involved in updating the status of the supreme public auditing institution, in particular, the drafting and implementation of the Sovereign Ordinance of 2 July 2008, which strengthened its powers and resources.

James CHARRIER was Grand Officer of the Order of Saint Charles and Commander of the Order of Grimaldi.  In France, he was Officer of the Legion of Honour and Commander of the National Order of Merit.

The Prince's Government pays tribute to his memory with great sorrow and extends its most sincere condolences to his family and friends.



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