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The Second Phase of the "Green is the New Glam" Campaign is Presented in Japan

29 March 2019 News flash

Monaco Tourist and Convention Authority (DTC) and its representative office in Japan recently presented the second phase of the "Green is the New Glam" campaign at a press lunch, in the presence of twenty or so influencers. In addition to the lunch, interviews with the print media were held.In the evening,...

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Guillaume Rose DG MEB - From left to right:  Michel Dotta, President of the MEB, Serge Telle, Minister of State and Guillaume Rose, Executive Director General of the MEB ©Government Communication Department/Michael Alesi

Guillaume Rose is Appointed Executive Director General of the Monaco Economic Board

22 March 2019 The Economy News flash

The Monaco Economic Board (MEB) held its General Assembly yesterday, in the presence of Serge Telle, Minister of State. At this meeting, 512 MEB members voted to amend the association's statutes to create the post of Executive Director General.Guillaume Rose, who has been appointed to this post, will be responsible...

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Vue de l’Assemblée plénière du GAFI - ©DR

SICCFIN takes part in FATF Plenary Meeting - Paris, 17–22 February 2019

25 February 2019 The Economy News flash

Mr Jean-Marc Gualandi from Monaco’s financial investigation unit SICCFIN took part in the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) Plenary Meeting in Paris from 17 to 22 February, as a member of the Committee of Experts on the Evaluation of Anti-Money Laundering Measures (MONEYVAL) delegation.The key aim of FATF, which wa...

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Commission Examen Rapports Contrôle Siccfin - © Michael Alesi – Direction de la Communication

Establishment of SICCFIN Audit Report Review Commission

15 February 2019 Press release

The Audit Report Review Commission (CERC) was set up at the Ministry of State today, as stipulated in Article 65-1 of Act No. 1.362, dated 3 August 2009, on the fight against money laundering, terrorist financing and corruption.This advisory body commissioned by the Minister of State is charged with reviewing the re...

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Logiciel goAML - From left to right: Yann Raconnat le Goff (SICCFIN), Ameen Safadi (UNODC), Jean Castellini, Minister of Finance and Economy, Antoine Karam (UNODC) and Philippe Boisbouvier (SICCFIN). © Government Communication Department / Stéphane Danna

SICCFIN installation of UNODC goAML software - Information meeting for industry professionals

11 February 2019 The Economy News flash

In keeping with the public–private partnership highly valued by SICCFIN, the Monegasque financial intelligence unit (FIU) organised an information meeting to prepare representatives from the country’s banking industry for the future roll-out of the goAML analysis tool. The meeting was held on 7 February 2019 in the...

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