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Bill on the Decriminalisation of Abortion for Pregnant Women

05 August 2019 Press release

On 12 June 2019, the National Council adopted Bill No. 234 on the decriminalisation of the voluntary termination of pregnancy.The purpose of this Bill was to amend Article 248 of the Criminal Code in order to remove criminal penalties for women who decide to have an abortion. In addition, the Bill provided for a mor...

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Voir la photo - Photo caption:  from left to right, Valérie Bruell-Melchior, Minister-Counsellor at the Embassy of Monaco in France, Ludmilla Raconnat-Le-Goff, Secretary General of the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs and H.E. Mr. Christophe Steiner, Ambassador to the French Republic - © DR

Round Table on Combating Social Fraud in Europe

01 August 2019 Social Affairs and Health News flash

A Monegasque delegation, comprised of H.E. Mr. Christophe Steiner, Ambassador to the French Republic, Ms. Valérie Bruell-Melchior, Minister-Counsellor at the Embassy of Monaco in France and Ms.LudmillaRaconnat-Le-Goff, Secretary General of the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs, took part in a round table on comb...

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CHPG - copie

Once Again, the CHPG Confirms its Level of Excellence

29 July 2019 Social Affairs and Health Press release

Four years after being awarded quality certification with the maximum A rating, with no reservations or recommendations by the French National Authority for Health (HAS), the CHPG is continuing to maintain its level, thus confirming its status as an institution that ensures high quality and safe care for its patient...

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IMSEE Focus: The Place of Women in the World of Business

12 July 2019 Social Affairs and Health Press release

As part of its active participation in the Women's Rights Committee, IMSEE has just published a Focus on the place of women in the world of business.At the end of 2018, women accounted for 27.9% of persons listed in the Trade and Industry Register (RCI) as engaged in a business activity, and 40.2% of Monaco's employ...

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Congés maternité

Extension of the Duration of Maternity Leave for Female Civil Servants and Government Officials

05 July 2019 Social Affairs and Health Press release

After introducing a Bill that has just resulted in the adoption of the legislative text on extending the duration of maternity leave in the private sector, the Prince's Government, as it had indicated, has taken steps to enable female civil servants and Government Officials to benefit from this progress.Thus, in con...

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