Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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Remise diplôme AMSN - Deloitte conseil. ©Direction de la Communication-Michael Alesi - From left to right: Fabien Giraud, Head of Technical Expertise for the Monaco Cyber Security Agency, Frédéric Fautrier, Director of the Monaco Cyber Security Agency, Pierre-Alexis Saint-Michel, Partner – Cyber Risks at Deloitte France, Julien Le Marrec, Managing Director at Deloitte Monaco. © Government Communication Department / Michael Alesi

Deloitte Consulting achieves three-yearly PASSI recertification in Principality

11 May 2022 Security News flash

On 4 May, Frédéric Fautrier, Director of the Monaco Cyber Security Agency, officially presented Pierre-Alexis Saint-Michel, Partner – Cyber Risks at Deloitte Consulting, and Julien Le Marrec, Managing Director at Deloitte Monaco, with Information Systems Security Audit Service Provider (PASSI) certificates.The recer...

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Contrôles police. ©Direction de la Communication - ©Direction de la Communication

Strengthened measures during events with potential for inappropriate behaviour and dangerous driving by drivers of cars with large engines on the public roads

09 May 2022 Security Press release

The Prince’s Government would like to draw attention to the fact that some particularly entertaining events can draw in large numbers of vehicles that are likely to cause a significant disruption of public order.These often unplanned gatherings of sports cars lead to proven road traffic offences being committed, and...

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Appels téléphoniques malveillants-Recommandations de la Sûreté Publique - ©DR

Nuisance phone calls: Police Department recommendations

05 May 2022 Security Press release

In recent days, the Police Department has noted a renewed upsurge in telephone calls made by malicious individuals claiming to be customer relations managers for financial institutions.These ill-intentioned individuals introduce themselves as banking advisors and inform the people they call that they are victims of...

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2eme réunion blanchiment capitaux 422 - ©Direction de la Communication - Stéphane Danna

2nd meeting of Committee for Coordination and Monitoring of the National Strategy on Money Laundering

29 April 2022 Press release

This morning, Minister of State Pierre Dartout chaired the second meeting of the Committee for Coordination and Monitoring of the National Strategy on Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing, Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction and Corruption.The role of the Committee, which is made up of institutional stakeh...

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1-Visite officielle Frédéric VEAUX, Directeur Général de la Police Nationale française. ©Palais princier-Gaëtan Luci - 1 – H.S.H. the Sovereign Prince surrounded by Mr Frédéric VEAUX and Mr Richard MARANGONI (left) and Mr Patrice CELLARIO (right). © Prince’s Palace – Gaëtan Luci

Frédéric Veaux, Director-General of the French National Police, pays official visit to Monaco

29 April 2022 Security Press release

Mr Frédéric Veaux, Director-General of the French National Police, paid an official visit to the Principality of Monaco on 6 April at the invitation of the Prince’s Governmentand Mr Richard MARANGONI, Inspector General of the Police Department.Mr Veaux, together with Mr Jean-Jacques Colombi, Inspector-General for In...

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