Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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Corps des Sapeurs-Pompiers de Monaco - Chef d'Etat-Major zone défense et sécurtié Sud France. ©Direction de la Communication-Manuel Vitali - From left to right: colonel Tony Varo, Supreme Commander of the Military Force, Inspector General Jean-Yves Noisette, Chief of Staff of the Southern Defence and Security Zone in France, and Lieutenant-Colonel Maxime Yvrard, Chief Officer of the Service. ©Government Communication Department/ Manul Vitali

The Monaco Fire and Emergency Service receives the Chief of Staff of the Southern Defence and Security Zone in France

02 November 2023 Security News flash

The Monaco Fire and Emergency Service met today with Inspector General Jean-Yves Noisette, Chief of Staff of the Southern Defence and Security Zone in France. Among other things, this defence zone is an operational crisis management tool. Tasked with operational monitoring and sharing information at the national and...

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palais de justice - ©Direction de la Communication - Stéphane Danna

Ouverture au public d’une demi-journée du colloque sur les enjeux internationaux de la lutte contre le blanchiment

31 October 2023 Press release

À la suite du rapport MONEYVAL, l’Institut Monégasque de Formation aux Professions Judiciaires (IMFPJ) organise un colloque les 9 et 10 novembre 2023 consacré à la lutte anti-blanchiment à destination des magistrats, greffiers, enquêteurs et membres de l’Agence Monégasque de Sécurité Financière (AMSF). La demi-journ...

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Camion pompiers Monaco - ©Direction de la Communication

Nuit du mardi 17 au mercredi 18 octobre : exercice de sécurité civile binational Préfecture des Alpes-Maritimes – Département de l’Intérieur

17 October 2023 Security Press release

Sous l’égide du Département de l’Intérieur et de la Préfecture des Alpes Maritimes, un exercice de sécurité civile est programmé dans le tunnel ferroviaire transfrontalier entre Cap d’Ail et Monaco, dans la nuit du mardi 17 au mercredi 18 octobre (entre 22h30 et 4h00).Cet exercice a pour but de tester le plan de sec...

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Lancement du premier SOC Souverain privé en Principauté . ©Direction de la Communication-Manuel Vitali - From left to right: Anthony Boira, Managing Director of Monaco Cloud, Frédéric Genta, Country Chief Officer for Attractiveness and the Digital Transition, Sébastien Massé, CEO of Monaco Cyber Sécurité, Freddy Milesi, Co-founder and President of Sekoia.io and Frédéric Fautrier, Director of the Monaco Cyber Security Agency. © Government Communication Department – Manuel Vitali

Monaco Cyber Sécurité launches the Principality’s first private sovereign security operations centre (SOC) in partnership with Monaco Cloud and Sekoia.io

13 October 2023 Security Press release

Monaco Cyber Sécurité unveiled its private sovereign security operations centre on Thursday 12 October at the Assises de la cybersécurité conference held at the Grimaldi Forum. The new centre is part of the Monegasque government’s digital transformation strategy, which places security at the heart of its development...

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Ouverture Assises de la cybersécurité. ©Direction de la Communication-Manuel Vitali - ©Direction de la Communication / Manuel Vitali

The 2023 cybersecurity conference kicks off

12 October 2023 Security News flash

The Assises de la cybersécurité event began in Monaco with a presentation by its Director, Maria Iacono and a speech by the Minister of State, Pierre Dartout. Speeches were also made by the Deputy Executive Director of Europol, Jean-Philippe Lecouffe, the Director General of ANSSI, Vincent Strubel, and by Sabrine Gu...

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