The 2023 cybersecurity conference kicks off
The Assises de la cybersécurité event began in Monaco with a presentation by its Director, Maria Iacono and a speech by the Minister of State, Pierre Dartout. Speeches were also made by the Deputy Executive Director of Europol, Jean-Philippe Lecouffe, the Director General of ANSSI, Vincent Strubel, and by Sabrine Guiheneuf, Group Director, Cybersecurity and IT Governance at Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield (URW) and Les Assises honorary president.
This unmissable cybersecurity event attracts nearly 3,000 participants and 174 partners, all stakeholders in digital security, including startups, SMEs, and major industrial groups from France, Europe, North America, the Middle East and Asia, some of which operate in the Principality.
The Monaco Cyber Security Initiative will host a professional stand at the Assises, an opportunity for the Monaco Cyber Security Agency (AMSN) to meet with the leaders supporting digital security in Monaco’s financial sector, including KPMG, Lutessa, monacocloud, monaco cyber sécurité, monacotelecom, MVE, Pinappli powered by Luxtrust, PWC and Telis. They are specialised in consulting, service and support for government entities, critical infrastructure operators and companies that need to incorporate cybersecurity into their digital transition plans.
In his speech, the Minister of State pointed out that: “Monaco has decided to align its regulatory framework on digital security with that of the European Directive to ensure that trade between the Principality and the EU, its preferred partner, is protected by the same level of security found in the EU internal market”. He also stressed that “We are all the more aware of the efforts that will be required of the structures concerned by this regulatory change, as the majority of economic activity in the Principality comes from its VSEs (3,067), SMEs (819) and 24 mid-cap companies. This is therefore an important challenge for these businesses, especially for VSEs and SMEs, which, as the ANSSI recalled in its 2022 cyberthreat overview, were the victims most affected by ransomware in 2021 and 2022.”
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