Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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Affiche Le sale discours - "Le Sale Discours" ("Dirty Talk"), or the geography of waste, is an attempt to distinguish as far as possible what is clean from what is not." By and with David Wahl

The Mission for Energy Transition Mission Collaborates with the TPG - "Le Sale Discours" ("Dirty Talk") – Princess Grace Theatre – Tuesday 15 January 2019 at 8:30 p.m.

10 January 2019 Culture News flash

On Tuesday 15 January, a stand by the Mission for Energy Transition of the Prince'sGovernment will be set up in the Foyer of the Princess Grace Theatre (TPG) , in connection with a performance of the play "Le Sale Discours" ("Dirty Talk"), by and with David Wahl, at 8:30 p.m. on that day.Five mem...

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Voir l'affiche - © - DR

43rd International Circus Festival of Monte-Carlo From the 17th to the 27th January 2019

10 January 2019 Culture Press release

Press Release n°5The programme of the 43rd festival!

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Voir l'affiche - © - DR

43rd International Circus Festival of Monte-Carlo From the 17th to the 27th January 2019

03 January 2019 Culture Press release

Press Release n°4Monaco, the Circus capital!

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Voir l'affiche - © - DR

The festival of animals is back in Monaco!

20 December 2018 Culture Press release

43rd International Circus Festival of Monte-CarloFrom the 17th to the 27th January 2019Press Release n°3

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Chemin des Crèches 2018 - ©Direction de la Communication / Manuel Vitali

Nativity Trail - Until 8 January 2019 - Free and open to all

10 December 2018 Culture News flash

Launched in 2014 at the initiative of Fabienne Mourou, the Nativity Trail provides an opportunity during the Christmas period to convey the meaning, values and culture behind nativity scenes. This year, the trail will include 11 stages between the bottom of Rampe Major and Monaco-Ville.In exploring the trail, which...

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