All the news about "Culture"
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Prince Pierre of Monaco Foundation - Paris - Tuesday 14 May 2019
The Literary Council of the Prince Pierre of Monaco Foundation met in Paris at La Dame de Pic restaurant to draw up a shortlist of authors under consideration for the Literary Prize, which recognises a renowned French-speaking writer for the whole of his or her work.The jury chose:Christian Bobin - Linda Lê - Pierre...
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Prints of Plants – A Workshop at the Villa Paloma, Open to All
The New National Museum of Monaco is holding a workshop for the general public this Saturday, 11 May, at the Villa Paloma. It will be led by Camille Barlerin, in connection with the exhibition of a work by MichelBlazy, Collection de chaussures (Shoe Collection).The work Collection de chaussures (2015-2019), by Miche...
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The "Young Philosophers" Days - From Wednesday 8 to Saturday 11 May 2019
The Monaco Philosophical Meetings, presided over by Charlotte Casiraghi and organised by Joseph Cohen, Robert Maggiori and Raphael Zagury-Orly, are holding a new event in the Principality, the "Young Philosophers" Days, from 8 to 11 May 2019. These Days are open to all, and aim in particular to familiarise...
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Presentation of the 59th Monte-Carlo Television Festival
Yesterday evening, at the Monte-Carlo Bay, a ceremony took place to present the 59th TelevisionFestival, to be held from 14 to 18 June in the Principality.During the evening, Laurent Puons, Deputy Vice-President of the Festival, presented the various events that will take place during the Festival.This Festival will...
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Forum des Associations Culturelles 4 et 5 mai 2019 – Auditorium Rainier III de 14h à 18h30
Le 7ème Forum des Associations Culturelles, organisé par la Direction des Affaires Culturelles, aura lieu les 4 et 5 mai 2019, à L’Auditorium Rainier III.Le public pourra y découvrir la diversité de la vie associative culturelle de la Principauté. Les nombreuses associations présentes proposeront de partager leur pa...
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