Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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1 - Séance Plénière de la 15e édition du CESE des Jeunes ©Direction de la Communication - Stéphane Danna - ©Direction de la Communication/Stéphane Danna

Closing session of 15th Youth Economic, Social and Environmental Council

18 May 2022 Youth Press release

On Wednesday 18 May, the Economic, Social and Environmental Council (CESE) brought the 15th Youth CESE, set up in October 2021, to a close. The closing session was attended by Caroline Rougaignon-Vernin, Chair of the CESE, and Frédéric Genta, Country Chief Officer for Attractiveness and the Digital Transition, who w...

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OMS-CDH Ukraine - OMS-CDH Ukraine

Monaco takes part in two special meetings on consequences of Ukraine conflict as part of WHO and UN Human Rights Council sessions

18 May 2022 Press release

The Principality took part in two special meetings devoted to the consequences of the conflict in Ukraine:- A special session of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe (on 10 May 2022);- A special session of the UN Human Rights Council (on 12 May 2022).At the request of more than 40 countries, including Monaco, and a...

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Taxi 06 - ©Direction de la Communication

Dispositions mises en place en Principauté pour le transport de personnes par les professionnels maralpins

17 May 2022 Press release

Le Gouvernement Princier souhaite informer les professionnels maralpins du transport de personnes de la mise en oeuvre des dispositions suivantes :Une vignette « haute saison » (du 1er mai au 31 octobre 2022) Un quota de vignettes supérieur de +50% à celui de 2021, soit 210 vignettes : - Jusqu’à 180 vignettes pour l...

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Tide Pool - ©Direction de l’Environnement / L. Aquilina

Tide pool coastal armour installed at water’s edge in front of Fontvieille Port sea wall

17 May 2022 The Environment News flash

As part of its ecological restoration programmes, the Department of the Environment installed coastal armouring in the form of five tide pools along the edge of the water in front of the Fontvieille Port sea wall in 2019. The pools were produced by ECOncrete, a company which specialises in “bio-improving” concrete s...

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Accréditation ambassadeurs - Guinée-Bissau - Espagne - Indonésie - Equateur - De gauche à droite : S.E. M. Carlos-Edmilson MARQUES VIEIRA, Ambassadeur de Guinée-Bissau ; S.E. M. Mohamad OEMAR, Ambassadeur d’Indonésie ; Isabelle BERRO-AMADEÏ, Conseiller de Gouvernement-Ministre pour les Relations Extérieures et la Coopération ; Laurent ANSELMI, Chef de Cabinet de S.A.S. le Prince ; S.E. M. Oscar José ORRANTIA VERNAZA, Ambassadeur d’Equateur et S.E. M. Victorio REDONDO BALDRICH, Ambassadeur d’Espagne. © Stéphane Danna - Direction de la Communication

Diplomacy: accreditation of new ambassadors from Guinea-Bissau – Spain – Indonesia – Ecuador

17 May 2022 Press release

On Tuesday 17 May, at a lunch held at the Hotel Hermitage, Isabelle Berro-Amadeï, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, received H.E. Mr Carlos-Edmilson Marques Vieira, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau; H.E. Mr Victorio Redondo Baldrich, Ambassador Extraordinary an...

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