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- Report on abuse of women in Monaco during 2022
Report on abuse of women in Monaco during 2022
For the fourth year in a row, the Women’s Rights Committee and Monaco Statistics (IMSEE) are publishing a report on abuse perpetrated against women in Monaco.
The report sets out the key data that is available for 2022 and examines incidents of abuse according to various measurable indicators.
The information has been analysed by Monaco Statistics, which collected it from a variety of leading authorities in the Principality: the Police Department, the Department of Justice, Princess Grace Hospital, the Department of Social Welfare and Social Services and the Victims of Criminal Offences Help Association (AVIP).
The study highlights the following figures:
• The police recorded 33 incidents of abuse against women in Monaco during 2022, compared with 23 in 2021. Fifty-five percent of these cases involved physical abuse.
• The Department of Justice initiated proceedings in 41 cases (compared with 38 in 2021), 13 of which related to incidents committed in 2021. Two sentences were handed down and eight cases were dropped.
• In addition, 56 women admitted to Princess Grace Hospital said that they had experienced abuse (compared with 41 in 2021), with 68% citing physical abuse.
• Finally, the AVIP was contacted by 44 female victims of abuse (compared with 36 in 2021), while the Department of Social Welfare and Social Services recorded seven cases in 2022.
Women’s Rights Officer Céline Cottalorda said: “This year, the number of reported cases has been relatively stable. It is always difficult to interpret these figures, which only reflect the visible part of this issue. We want to remind people that no victim of violence is alone, and that it is never too late to speak up or to be heard. This study also highlights the fact that it is important to continue efforts to combat the abuse of women and to introduce every possible measure to achieve this.”
In 2023, Monaco Statistics will establish a new, secure data collection platform for use by coordinators working with victims of abuse in the relevant organisations. “This tool will enable us to record all incidents of abuse, not just those committed against women, with a view to setting abuse perpetrated against women in the context of all abuse,” says Alexandre Bubbio, Director of Monaco Statistics.
The report is available from the website of the Women’s Rights Committee (www.dfm.mc) and the Monaco Statistics website (www.imsee.mc), in French and English.
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