Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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Covid-19 - Weekly health report for the Principality

31 January 2023 Coronavirus (Covid-19) Press release

As of Sunday 29th January, since the beginning of the health crisis, the Principality's health balance sheet stood at 16,059 people affected by the coronavirus.At the same time, 15,982 people have been declared cured.Last week (from 23/01 to 29/01), 14 new Covid-19 positive cases were revealed.As of Sunday 29 Januar...

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Page d'accueil OMPI

Submitting or renewing applications to protect national trademarks online

30 January 2023 The Economy Press release

As part of a policy to continuously improve the services offered to users of industrial property rights, the Business Development Agency is now making available to individuals and legal entities who are domiciled or located in Monaco* a tool enabling them to submit applications to register or renew protection for a...

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Manufacturing Industry Barometer to be established in Principality

30 January 2023 The Economy Press release

Monegasque Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (IMSEE) is set to roll out a new business survey with the aim of establishing a Manufacturing Industry Barometer in the Principality to provide a monthly illustration of the business climate in the sector.The survey is being targeted at all businesses within th...

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Réunion de la Commission d’attribution des logements domaniaux - ©Direction de la Communication/Manuel Vitali

Meeting of the State Housing Commission

25 January 2023 Quality of Life Press release

The State Housing Commission convened at the Ministry of State on 25 January 2023 for a meeting chaired by Jean Castellini, Minister of Finance and Economy.At the meeting, for which a call for applications was published from 29 August to 23 September 2022, 304 homes were allocated, including apartments within the To...

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Voeux 2023 CHPG DASS SAS - Christophe Robino, Conseiller de Gouvernement-Ministre des Affaires Sociales et de la Santé, Benoîte Rousseau de Sevelinges, Directeur du CHPG, S.A.S. le Prince Albert II de Monaco ©Direction de la Communication Stéphane Danna

New Year address at Princess Grace Hospital

25 January 2023 Social Affairs and Health Press release

After a two-year hiatus due to the health crisis, Princess Grace Hospital brought back its traditional New Year address in early 2023.Staff from the Principality’s healthcare facilities gathered on Tuesday 24 January to share a solemn yet convivial moment that offered an opportunity for a review of Princess Grace Ho...

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