Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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CabaretMédical - copyright: CHPG

Cabaret médical : Les médecins du CHPG font leur show en faveur des réfugiés

14 June 2016 Social Affairs and Health Press release

A l’initiative du Professeur Nadir SAOUDI, chef de service de Cardiologie, 21 professionnels du Centre Hospitalier Princesse Grace (médecins, infirmières, aide-soignantes)se réuniront pour la 3e édition du Cabaret Médical, samedi 18 juin à 19h30 auSporting d’été (Salle des étoiles).Ce spectacle musical et chorégraph...

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VIM Fillon - Florestan, Monaco International Volunteer, with Zandka, one of the children monitored by the APDC

Interview: Florestan Fillon, Monaco International Volunteer, returns from Mongolia

14 June 2016 Monaco Worldwide News flash

A few questions for Florestan, who looks back over his volunteering stint with the Association of Parents of Disabled Children (APDC)* in Ulan Bator, a partner of Monaco’s Official Development Assistance. Over the course of a year, Florestan coordinated the setting up of a pilot centre which aims to improve the int...

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MASC – Museum Art Summer Club Summer Visits and Workshops for Young People Aged 7-12

13 June 2016 Culture Press release

From 4 to 15 July, the NMNM is offering a new format for its summer workshops – every day, there will be a different workshop from 2 p.m. to 4.30 p.m., and two-day workshops every Thursday and Friday at the Villa Paloma and then at the Villa Sauber.Bookings are therefore open for 1, 2 or 3 “à la carte” workshops per...

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Voir la photo - ©Manu Vitali - Direction de la Communication

Monaco Artists’ Forum - The Public’s Prize

13 June 2016 Culture News flash

The 3rd Monaco Artists’ Forum closed on Sunday 12 June. Eighty-seven artists, both amateur and professional, Monegasque nationals or residents, working in the fields of painting, photography and sculpture, exhibited their work there.The exhibition was open from 3 to 12 June from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. and attracted 840 vi...

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2-S.E. Mme Fautrier et VIP au Gala. ©DR - H.E. Ms Catherine Fautrier and VIPs at the gala evening: the winner of a stay in Monaco, Mr LI – CEO of R+, Joseph SIU – General Manager of IFS, H.E. Ms Catherine Fautrier – Ambassador of Monaco to China, Alexandre HENG – CEO of BluInc Media, Thomas ZHANG – CEO of T1 Life, Jiou ZOU – General Manager of International Cooperation Department, CCPIT Sichuan. ©DR

3rd Monaco Week in China proves great success Chengdu – Sichuan Province – 28 May to 4 June 2016

13 June 2016 Monaco Worldwide Press release

The third Monaco Week in China was held in Chengdu, capital of Sichuan Province. A true showcase of the country’s economic development, this was an obvious choice in which to promote the Principality to a clientele with high purchasing power.Led by H.E. Ms Catherine Fautrier, Monaco’s Ambassador to China, the 28-str...

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