Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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ONUSIDA 2016 - H.E. Ms Carole Lanteri, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Principality to the Office of the United Nations in Geneva  ©UNAIDS

Monaco takes part in 38th meeting of UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board

30 June 2016 Monaco Worldwide News flash

Monaco took part in the 38th meeting of the UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board (PCB) in Geneva from 28 to 30 June, three weeks after the UN High-Level Meeting on HIV/AIDS, at which H.S.H. Princess Stéphanie represented the Principality. UNAIDS is the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS.The Monegasque delegat...

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Incentive Platinum Partners

New York: Monaco Government Tourist Office receives Platinum Partners Award for excellence

28 June 2016 The Economy Press release

New York, 27 June 2016 – The Monaco Government Tourist Office (MGTO), the Tourist and Convention Authority’s outpost in New York, was this month recognised with a distinction. The readers of INCENTIVE magazine selected the MGTO as one of the winners of the prestigious Platinum Partners Award, via an online ballot wh...

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Benjamin Valli - ©DR

A Diplomat from the Mission of Monaco to the UN is Elected Vice-Chair of the 35th Meeting of States Parties to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

28 June 2016 Monaco Worldwide News flash

The Second Secretary at the Permanent Mission of Monaco to the United Nations, Benjamin Valli, was elected Vice-Chair of the 35th Meeting of States Parties to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.This meeting was held on Thursday 23 June 2016 with the aim of electing nine new members of the Human...

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droit mer ONU - Copyright DR

Two Weeks Devoted to the Oceans and the Law of the Sea at the UN Headquarters in New York

27 June 2016 Monaco Worldwide Press release

On the occasion of the twenty-sixth meeting of the States parties to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, the Principality, in line with the provisions of the said Convention and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), reaffirmed its firm and determined commitment to the protection, conservation an...

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AMORE PSY - Copyright Photo : Palais Princier/ Gaetan Luci

Official opening of D’Amore Psy mutual aid group

24 June 2016 Social Affairs and Health News flash

With the assistance of the Prince’s Government, the Association MOnégasque pour le REgroupement des amis et familles de malades PSYchiatriques de Monaco (Monegasque Association for Friends and Family of Psychiatric Patients in Monaco) last month opened a non-medicalised space for stabilised psychiatric patients at 3...

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