Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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Atelier drépanocytose Niger - The associations from the "West Africa-Madagascar Sickle Cell Disease" network, accompanied by Ms. Anne Poyard-Vatrican, Deputy Director of International Cooperation, being received at the National Assembly of Niger.  ©DCI

The Prince's Government Brings Together Five Associations that Work to Combat Sickle Cell Disease in Niger

19 April 2018 Monaco Worldwide Press release

From 3 to 6 April, the Department of International Cooperation of Monaco held a workshop in Niamey, Niger, which brought together five patients' associations that are members of the "West Africa-Madagascar Sickle Cell Disease" network.At this workshop, participants were able to share their experience and b...

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Voir la photo - © - Direction de la Communication - Manu Vitali

Rescue exercise on board Simon Stevin

18 April 2018 Security News flash

A rescue exercise, led by the Marine and Airport Police Division (DPMA) with assistance from the Monaco Fire and Emergency Service, was recently held on board the Simon Stevin in the offshore urban extension project zone. The Department of Maritime Affairs and Bouygues Travaux Publics also took part in the exercise,...

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CES 2018 - La Séance Plénière de la 11e édition du Conseil Économique et Social des Jeunes © Direction de la Communication - Manuel Vitali

11th Young People's Social and Economic Council

18 April 2018 News flash

The Plenary Session of the 11th Young People's Social and Economic Council was held today at the Economic and Social Council (CES).At this meeting, chaired by Didier Linotte, President of the Supreme Court and patron of this year's meeting, in the presence of Isabelle Bonnal, Director of Education, Youth and Sport a...

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Voir la photo - The Monegasque delegation was comprised, from left to right, of:  Mr. Maxime Maillet, Administrator at the Department of Justice, Mr. Anselmi, Secretary of Justice, President of the Council of State, and Mr. Jean-Laurent Ravera, Head of the Department of International Law, Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms at the Department of Legal Affairs. © - DR

Copenhagen High-Level Conference on the Reform of the European Convention on Human Rights System - 12 and 13 April 2018

18 April 2018 Monaco Worldwide Press release

From 12 to 13 April 2018, the fifth High Level Conference on the Reform of the European Convention on Human Rights system was held in Copenhagen, Denmark, at the end of which a Declaration was adopted by all the member States of the Council of Europe.Under the terms of this Convention, the signatory States were able...

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Le CHPG signe le PNTE - Crédit photo : © Manuel Vitali / Direction de la Communication 

The Princess Grace Hospital Makes a Commitment to Energy Transition

18 April 2018 The Environment Press release

Today, a signing ceremony was held at the Princess Grace Hospital (CHPG) for the National Pact on Energy Transition. The aim for the establishment is to commit to a carbon-neutral Monaco.In his speech, Jean-Luc Nguyen, Director of the Mission for Energy Transition, recalled the great importance of this project, whic...

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