Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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Commission Mise à Jour des Codes - From left to right:  Miss Alexia Brianti, Ms. Cécile Chatel-Petit, Mr. Hervé Poinot, Ms. Brigitte Grinda-Gambarini, Mr. Arnaud Hamon, Dr. Jacques Rit, Mr. Thomas Brezzo, Mr. Yann Lajoux, Messrs. Maxime Maillet and Laurent Anselmi and Professors Yves Strickler, Jean-François Renucci and Roger Bernardini - © Government Communications Department/Manuel Vitali

Plenary Session of the Commission for the Updating of Codes

11 April 2018 A Modern State News flash

The Commission for the Updating of Codes has resumed its activities, on the initiative of the Department of Justice. In this respect, it met in a plenary session on 9 April, chaired by Mr.Laurent Anselmi, Director of Justice.This Commission, in which various players in Monegasque law are represented, was created by...

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©Manuel Vitali_Le DASS lance sa campagne sur la vaccination des enfants en Principauté - copyright - Direction de la Communication / Manuel Vitali

Ministry of Health and Social Affairs launches campaign to promote childhood vaccination in Principality

10 April 2018 Social Affairs and Health Press release

To mark European Immunisation Week, promoted by the World Health Organisation (WHO), the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs is launching a public health campaign to raise awareness of vaccination in the Principality.Since 1 January 2018, vaccination against 11 infectious diseases has been mandatory in France. The...

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Journée internationale du sport ONU - Célébration de la Journée internationale du sport au service du développement et de la paix, à la mission permanente de Monaco auprès des Nations Unies ©DR

ONU - Célébration de la Journée internationale du sport au service du développement et de la paix

09 April 2018 Monaco Worldwide News flash

A l’occasion de la Journée internationale du sport au service du développement et de la paix, vendredi 6 avril, la Mission Permanente de Monaco auprès des Nations Unies, a organisé dans ses locaux une rencontre du Groupe des amis du sport. Mme Jayathma Wickramanayake, Envoyé spécial Secrétaire général des Nations Un...

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Ramoge logo

RAMOGE and the AIEA Improved Monitoring of Microalgae

06 April 2018 Monaco Worldwide Press release

As part of Monaco Ocean Week, the RAMOGE Agreement and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) are joining forces to improve the monitoring and management of blooms of harmful benthic microalgae.The overall functioning and structure of marine ecosystems are strongly conditioned by the behaviour of the first le...

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Voir la photo - © - Direction de la Communication - Charly Gallo

Anti-Pollution Exercise in the Area of Construction Work for the Offshore Extension

06 April 2018 The Environment News flash

As part of the evaluation of the emergency response procedures established by the Bouygues Travaux Publics (Bouygues Public Works) company, an anti-pollution exercise took place on Friday morning, in the area of construction work for the offshore extension. The scenario for the exercise was an accidental spill of hy...

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