Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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Les Carabiniers remettent des peluches aux enfants malades au CHPG. ©Direction de la Communication-Manuel Vitali - Benoîte Rousseau de Sevelinges, Director of the Princess Grace Hospital, surrounded by the guards who presented teddy bears to sick children. ©Direction de la Communication / Manuel Vitali

H.S.H. the Prince's Palace Guards hand out teddy bears to sick children

27 December 2023 Security News flash

On Thursday, 21 December, five of H.S.H. the Prince's Palace Guards, accompanied by Captain Hervé Matu, representing the Chief of Corps, visited the children's ward at the Princess Grace Hospital to give teddy bears dressed in uniform to children in hospital.H.S.H. the Prince's guards regularly participate in activi...

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DENJS CSM préservation du Corail rouge de Méditerranée (2) - ©Manuel Vitali – Direction de la Communication

The Monaco Scientific Centre raises awareness in Year 6 pupils about preserving Mediterranean red coral

22 December 2023 Press release

Since the start of the school year, the Monaco Scientific Centre (CSM) has been working with around ten Year 6 classes to raise awareness among young people of the need to preserve the Red Coral. At the end of these specially created workshops, organised in collaboration with the Department of Education, Youth and S...

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91ème AG d'Interpol à Vienne. ©DR - The Monegasque delegation (from left to right): Olivier Jude, Head of the Section for International Cooperation and Combatting Cybercrime; Jean-François Mirigay, Head of the Criminal Investigation Division, Patrice Cellario, Minister of the Interior, and Richard Marangoni, Police Commissioner and Head of the INTERPOL-Monaco National Central Bureau. ©DR

Monaco attends the 91st INTERPOL General Assembly in Vienna

21 December 2023 Security Press release

The 91st General Assembly of INTERPOL took place in Vienna, Austria from 28 November to 1 December 2023. The Principality was represented by a delegation led by Patrice Cellario, Minister of the Interior, and composed of Richard Marangoni, Police Commissioner and Head of the INTERPOL Monaco National Central Bureau;...

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Remise prix vitrines RIII - Remise des prix du Concours de décoration de vitrines ©Direction de la Communication-Frédéric Nebinger

Prizes awarded in the shop window competition

20 December 2023 The Environment Press release

The Union of Shopkeepers and Craftspeople of Monaco took part in the celebrations for the centenary of the birth of Prince Rainier III by helping with the window-dressing competition begun by the Commemoration Committee and its President, H.S.H. Princess Stephanie.H. E. Mr Pierre Dartout rewarded the shopkeepers who...

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Hommage à Yves Coppens © Cyril Bailleul - De gauche à droite : M. Abdeljalil Bouzouggar, Directeur de l’Institut National des Sciences de l’Archéologie et du Patrimoine et directeur par intérim du patrimoine culturel au Ministère de la Jeunesse de la Culture et de la Communication ; Mme Elena Rossoni-Notter Directeur du Musée d’Anthropologie préhistorique de Monaco ; Henry de Lumley, Professeur, Président de l’Institut de Paléontologie Humaine ; S.E. Mme Anne-Marie Boisbouvier, Ambassadeur, Délégué permanent de Monaco auprès de l’UNESCO ; M. Xing Qu, Directeur général Adjoint de l’UNESCO ; S.A.S. le Prince Albert II de Monaco ; Mme Martine Coppens ; M. Quentin Coppens ; M. Jean-Jacques Hublin, Chaire de Paléoanthropologie, Collège de France, Paris - Professeur émérite de l’Institut Max Planck d’Anthropologie Évolutionnaire de Leipzig ; Mme Sonia Harmand, Archaeologist and director of the West Turkana Archaeological Project ; Mme Marta Pappalardo, Full Professor of Physical Geography and Geomorphology ; Mme Nuria Sanz, Directrice Science du Bureau régional de l’UNESCO au Caire - Coopération multilatérale sur l'évolution humaine à l'UNESCO - Programme HEADS de l’UNESCO ; Mme Hélène Roche, Directeur de Recherche Emérite au CNRS ; Monsieur Jacques Malaterre – Réalisateur du film « L’homme de Pékin. Les derniers secrets de l’humanité » ; M. Jeffrey T. Laitman, Professor and Director of Anatomy and Functional Morphology, Professor of Medical Education, Professor of Otolaryngology. Ph.D., D. Med. Sc et Mme Amal Kasry, Chef de la Section des sciences fondamentales et de l'ingénierie à l'UNESCO - synchrotron SESAME.

Tribute to Professor Yves Coppens at UNESCO

19 December 2023 Monaco Worldwide Press release

On 12 December at UNESCO headquarters in Paris, in the presence of H.S.H. Prince Albert II and the Deputy Director-General of UNESCO, Mr Xing Qu, a tribute was paid to Professor Yves Coppens, former Chair of the International Scientific Committee of the Monaco Museum of Prehistoric Anthropology, who passed away on 2...

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