Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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24 October 2023 Press release

World Capital of Sport 2025 - Monaco's candidacy

Capitale Mondiale du Sport 2025 - Monaco ville candidate © Stéphane Danna - Direction de la Communication

The Principality of Monaco is officially applying for the title of World Capital of Sport 2025. Patrice Cellario, Minister of Interior, made the announcement on Saturday, 21 October, at a press conference held at the Hôtel Hermitage, following a visit by members of the ACES association, which represents the European Capitals and Cities of Sport Federation, recognised by the European Commission and is an official UNESCO partner.

H.S.H. the Sovereign Prince states in the foreword to the application submitted to the evaluation committee: "The Principality of Monaco is particularly honoured to apply for the 'Monaco, World Capital of Sport' title because I firmly believe in the positive and lasting impact of the essential sporting values that were passed on to me. Through talent, the Principality has been able to assert its international sporting influence; a City-State can be a world benchmark for ethical, sustainable, inclusive and dedicated sports activities.

Over the course of four days, the nine members of ACES were able to gain an insight into Monegasque sports policy through visits to the Principality's main facilities and organisations and discussions with representatives (from both the amateur and professional sectors) who make up the highly diverse and prosperous local sports community. They were also able to watch the Turkish Airlines Euroleague match between AS Monaco and ALBA Berlin at the Salle Gaston-Médecin.

We were able to get a clear picture of the Government's top three sporting priorities: sport in schools, grassroots sport, and competitive sport. A policy that is endorsed at the highest level by H.S.H. the Sovereign Prince. Patrice Cellario, Minister of Interior, pointed out that, "Gaining this title would be particularly fitting in 2025, the year in which we will be celebrating 20 years since Prince Albert II's accession to the throne".

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