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02 May 2017 News flash

Working agreement between Monaco and European Patent Office

H.E. Ms Berro-Amadeï, Ambassador of Monaco to Germany and Mr Benoît Battistelli, President of the European Patent Office© DR

On Tuesday 25 April 2017, in Munich, H.E. Ms Berro-Amadeï, Monaco’s Ambassador to Germany, handed over to President of the European Patent Office (EPO) Mr Benoît Battistelli the ratification instruments for the Working Agreement between the European Patent Office and the Principality of Monaco Concerning Cooperation on Research.

This ratification follows the signing of the agreement in Monaco on 24 November 2016 by Mr Jean Castellini, Minister of Finance and Economy, and Mr Battistelli.

The agreement will enable users of the patent system, when filing a national patent application, to request an EPO search report on the state of the relevant prior art and a written opinion on patentability, all of which is essential to understanding the legal value of the invention.

 By signing and ratifying this important agreement, the Principality, which has been a member of the EPO since 1 December 1991, is further strengthening its links with the organisation.

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