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03 July 2023 Press release

UNESCO: Monaco takes part in Extraordinary Session of the General Conference to reinstate United States as a member

S.E. Mme Anne-Marie BOISBOUVIER, Ambassadeur, Délégué permanent de la Principauté de Monaco auprès de l’UNESCO © DR

On 29 and 30 June 2023, H.E. Ambassador Anne-Marie Boisbouvier, Monaco’s Permanent Delegate to UNESCO, represented the Principality at the Fifth Extraordinary Session of the General Conference of UNESCO, held at the organisation’s headquarters in Paris.

This session examined the conditions of the return of the United States of America to UNESCO as a member.

In support of this approach, the Principality of Monaco had co-signed the letter calling for an extraordinary session of the General Conference before July 2023.  Along with 106 other States, the Principality of Monaco therefore naturally supported the draft resolution for the full reinstatement of the United States as a Member State of UNESCO, according to the plan proposed for this return.

At the end of the session, H.E. Ms. Anne-Marie Boisbouvier, speaking on behalf of the Principality, congratulated the Director-General for her longstanding commitment, which led to the completion of this process, and welcomed the adoption of the resolution by a very large majority.

This important event confirms the universal vocation of the Organisation and makes it possible to strengthen multilateralism in general and UNESCO in particular.

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