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10 January 2024 Press release

Tourism: a positive assessment of the end-of-year festivities

Tourisme - bilan positif pour les fêtes de fin d'année ©Direction de la Communication - Manuel Vitali

At the start of this year, the Monaco Tourist and Convention Authority, led by the Director, Guy Antognelli, unveiled some remarkable results for the Christmas and New Year period. Hotel occupancy at Christmas time averaged 50%, well above the usual average for the final month of the year. Meanwhile, the New Year period saw a spectacular 90% occupancy rate, exceeding all expectations.

What were the main visitors' nationalities? Nearly half of the guests visiting hotels and restaurants were French or Italian, surpassing the figures for 2019 and 2022. According to Guy Antognelli: "There has also been a significant increase in the number of American visitors, continuing the trend observed at the start of 2023".

Events and activities that are genuine tourist attractions for the country? The town's decorations in the Christmas Village and on the Place du Casino are key to attracting both local and regional visitors, coming for one day, and international visitors, "because Monaco comes alive during the festive season and offers an exceptional experience, generating extremely positive feedback from visitors", says the Director of the Tourist and Convention Authority.

What trends can be expected in 2024? The projections are very promising. "We're hoping to see a significant return of Italian visitors, along with British tourists returning to the region despite the economic challenges and Brexit, and the strengthening of our American market. A major upturn in business tourism is also expected, with the aim of returning to pre-crisis levels", says Guy Antognelli.

However, it's not all about attracting more visitors; the aim is to continue to offer an exceptional experience. At the start of the year, the focus will be on recovering the Asian market, which has been hard hit by Covid. We've already seen an increase in visitors from China and the Middle East. "It’s essential to promote Monaco's attractions and highlight the outstanding range of tourist services on offer," concludes Monaco's Director of the Tourist and Convention Authority.

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