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- St. Sebastian’s Day commemoration
St. Sebastian’s Day commemoration
Ceremonies commemorating St. Sebastian, the patron saint of the Palace Guards, were celebrated this morning in the presence of H.S.H. the Sovereign Prince.
This year’s St. Sebastian celebrations were particularly significant, as the first event in a series to be held throughout 2017 to mark the bicentenary of the founding of the Palace Guards in 1817 by the future Prince Honoré V.
For the occasion, H.S.H. the Sovereign Prince, Colonel Luc Fringant, the officers and the colour guard wore the Bicentenary medal.
During the military review in the Royal Courtyard, the new Head of the Palace Guards, Commander Gilles Convertini, was presented with command of the Palace Guards. Prior to this, the Supreme Commander of the Military Force had given the standard declaration.
Following this ceremony, the Guards left via the Royal Entrance of the Prince’s Palace, marching to the sound of the Palace Guards Brass Band. They headed towards Monaco Cathedral where a mass in honour of their patron saint, St. Sebastian, was celebrated.
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