Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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02 May 2017 News flash

"Save the African Elephants" - An Exhibition by the Department of the Environment

The Department of the Environment is organising the photographic exhibition "Save the African Elephants," in partnership with the SEA Associations and the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust.  The aim is to raise the awareness of as many people as possible of this cause.  The elephant is in danger of extinction; it is hunted for its ivory and suffers from a lack of access to water.  The exhibition is on show at the Pêcheurs Gallery, for maximum visibility. 

© Axel Bastello -  Palais Princier

H.S.H. the Sovereign Prince visited the exhibition recently with Marie-Pierre Gramaglia, Minister of Public Works, the Environment and Urban Development, Valérie Davenet, Director of the Environment, Olivier Wenden, Director of the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation and Ingrid Von Anthoni (SEA Association). 

The exhibition is on display until Monday 26 June 2017.  It is a travelling exhibition, and will continue on its route to France and then Germany.

A report is available on Monaco Channel:  www.monacochannel.mc/Chaines/Monaco-Info-Les-Reportages/Videos/Sensibiliser-a-la-sauvegarde-des-elephants-d-Afrique  

Further Information:  www.sauvez-les-elephants.org/projets  - www.sheldrickwildlifetrust.org/


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